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View Full Version : How Does Satan Attack?

08-03-2006, 02:03 PM
How Does Satan Attack?

How does Satan attack? What order does he use?

1. Convinces us of low import to spirit sense to follow the soul and not the spirit.

2. Pretends to be spirit mistaking feeling for spirit.

3. False renewing of the mind (though we think it is now renewed), covering up man's fault of not using the spirit or recognizing the work of the enemy.

4. All resources from God are cut off, communion is gone as man's spirit ceases to operate.

5. Satan assaults even more mercilessly by causing believers to think they are living by faith or with the delusion they are suffering for Christ, as they are totally unconscious of the presence of God (in reality).

6. Therefore, by a false spirit, Satan convinces them of following his will unwittingly.

This happens to unspiritual and undiscerning Christians.