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View Full Version : Arnold Schwarzenegger Exposed

08-08-2006, 05:13 PM
http://www.scatteredsheep.com/arnold_schwarzenegger.htm (http://www.scatteredsheep.com/arnold_schwarzenegger.htm)

Arnold speaks of gangbangs as if they are no big deal, and his father was a Nazi seargent in WWII.

http://arnoldexposed.com/ (http://arnoldexposed.com/)

There is quote of Arnold saying homosexuals are misunderstood. Funny. My apologies for misunderstanding why a man needs to stick his ..... inside another man's ..... How could I be so selfish? How misuderstood was Sodomah and Gomorrah.

Remember that story in the Bible about a women needing to be cut up into 12 pieces to show the most horrible sin in Israel's history? The men of the town gangbanged her so hard she died. They gangbanged her instead of the guy who just came into town that they had originally wanted to have sex with, but his concubine was given as a replacement. He loved her, went to retrieve her, and she ended up getting murdered instead. Amazing. According to Arnold there is proper line when gangbanging men or women. When you gangbang according to him, it needs to be done tastefully. The Bible, according to Arnold, fails to make this vital distinction. O brother!

So what did Israel do? Israel had no choice but to kill everyone in that town since that town refused to repent from this vile act, and so did that tribe that town was in refuse to repent. So it was a battle of epic proportions and Israle put them down. It had to be done for that evil would permeate and flourish.

The irony of the whole thing is that the Antichrist in the Tribulation will promote abstinancy. From gangbangs and acceptance of homosexuality to abstinancy. This will be, even Arnold's future approach. Watch for it. He says 95% of people need to be controlled and told what to do, as part of his nazi heritage, so he will use the false image of abstinancy to reel in more respect from the dead conscience of people.