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View Full Version : Unitarianism

08-08-2006, 07:05 PM
We believe that God has essentially given Jesus functional equality with Himself, and that only with regard to the throne is God greater than Jesus (Gen. 41:40; Matt. 28:18).
As you can see here, there is a heirarchial system in the unitarians belief of God the Father to His Son. And there is the idea that the Father gives Jesus his power. This is a heresy. The truth of this mistaken assumption is that the Godhead in eternity past set up a council with Himself to make the Father the authority and the Son submission in the Godhead. There was no heirachy in eternity past.

We believe that the Heavenly Father alone is God (John 17:3).
Here you see that the Unitarians are not Christians. For Christians know the Triune God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit; not just the Father in the Godhead.