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08-12-2006, 04:07 PM
Dealing With Muslims

I have realized experientially in dealing with Muslims, it is futile. They are entrenched, and you can't really help them unless you hold out your hand and let them come to you. Only them are they at least partially receptive. Going to them in their party spirit in their forums or congregations is like walking into the fire. You are bound to get burned as they like playing with fire and claiming things they should not. They don't want to leave their fire pits. They went to the party with the full intent to party in that racist spirit against white people, to worship Satan unwittingly in forsaking the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and rejecting His love dying on the cross as THE Sinless Sacrifice for all sin that needs to be judged!

They start with the premise 600 years after Christ's sacrifice on the cross, that it never happened. There is no reason to believe such a claim for certainly one man in a cave who reviled Israel should not be the basis for their belief. He murdered and was a pedophile as fully proven in the Prophet of Doom (http://biblocality.com/forums/showthread.php?t=914&highlight=prophet+of+doom).

They say they believe the Bible, but reject His death and atonement and constantly look for 1001 contradictions, yet each time such attempts require the alteration and misreading of the Bible. Since the burden of the proof is on them and the weight of the evidence is strongly with the 40 writers of the Old and New Testaments in harmony and agreement, what basis does Islam have for their claims?


A Muslim should feel terrible inside for believing in the god of the Quran if they have any conscience left at all!

As Gary Habermas says, you can't all of a sudden come 600 years later and change the meaning of everything. There is no credibility in that. It is pretentious, disingenuous and ignorant. It is also disrespectful to Christ and the Apostles who gave their lives for Christ.

This takes the Bible completely out of harmony and frankly and makes the Koran just plain evil by selfish works disobedient and independent from God, rejecting God's grace.