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12-26-2005, 04:29 AM
This muslim today told me that he thought the gospels were a lie but that he agreed with the OT prophets.

But, herein lies the dilemma for the muslim man. The OT prophets were looking towards the perfect Messiah to atone for their sins (to replace all the animal sacrifices) to give His life for them in forgiveness. Yet muslims, at least some, deny not only that Jesus death was an atonement as the Messiah, but they also reject that He even died. Therefore, not only muslims disagree with the OT prophets and all the OT books of the Bible, but they also disagree with all the NT books of the Bible that agree with Christ's death as an atonement to save from sins and give eternal life. Muslims disagree with it all; they disagee with all: 66 books of the Bible, 40+ writers of the Bible, and 62+ prophesies fulfilled in Christ so far, and the 1500 years of agreement and corroberation of the Saints.

Their entire religion is based on these twistings, hostility towards Jesus, calling Him a liar. Hell is a large place of eternal separation from God. To reject Christ eternally is certainly deserving of eternal separation, righteously.

Praise the Lord! Amen.

01-12-2006, 06:58 AM
If Mulsims have the same OT prophets as the Christians.......theres a few things i dont understand?? can someone please explain??

Isaiah prophecies.........He shall be called wonderful counselor,Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace Isaiah 6 v 9 (theres a verse for those that dont believe in the trinity)
Who do they think Isaiah was prophecying about? IT IS JESUS!!!!
Jeremiah prophecies a new covenant in Jeremiah 31
If they believe in the OT prophets.........they will see many prophecies proclaiming the coming MESSIAH! and Mohummad was NOT the messiah... No record of him dying for the sins of the world was there now!! and he wasnt resuurected!

Even King David prophecied the death and resurrection.... You will not let Your Holy One see decay..

besides the bible is the only Holy book, where everything lines up.. Propehecies come TO PASS and It is the infalliable WORD OF GOD!

The grass withers, the flowers fade

thats the TRUTH and i am stick'n to it!:)

01-12-2006, 08:26 AM
If Mulsims have the same OT prophets as the Christians.......theres a few things i dont understand?? can someone please explain??
They are deluded.

Isaiah prophecies.........He shall be called wonderful counselor,Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace Isaiah 6 v 9 (theres a verse for those that dont believe in the trinity)
This is not a verse for those who do not believe in the Trinity. The everlasting father is not being used in the same sense of God the Father. Rather it is saying the Son of God is the everlasting father (phraseology) connoting his eternality and authority towards sons and daughters of God. This would seem reasonable as it is with Jewish phraseology.