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View Full Version : What happens after the new city?

11-07-2006, 09:15 PM
What do you think of this crazy idea? What if after being pillars in the new city for billions of years, God has further plans for us. What could some of those plans be?

I just had the crazy idea that God could give each of us who are saved our own creation. We would wait 13.7 billion years to create man in our image in our creation, then we would come to be the atoning sacrifice, return to reign in the millennium, be the center of the new city in eternity future, and the new pillars of the new city, will receive the opportunity to do the same all over again.

It would make for a good novel or movie anyway. We just don't know all the things God has planned for us yet, but the Bible tells us we will be in awe and shocked by what we find out.

I don't actually believe it. It is just a thought that entered my brain in wondering about eternity in the new city and the new earth in what it might entail.

Something to think about it. Do you have any peculiar notions also in your years of wisdom that have popped into your spirit?