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11-15-2006, 10:54 PM
Basic proofs of Jesus beg the question, can you overturn them?
You have the 9 NT writers in agreement.
You have 40 writers in 66 books over 1500 years in complete agreement. Nothing in human history has this kind of harmony.
You have James who was a family skeptic, who then believed because he said he saw Jesus resurrected.
Paul said he saw Jesus resurrected and then believed after persecuting Christians.
You have all the original 12 apostles (one replaced Judas) in agreement and martyred for seeing Jesus resurrected as first-hand testimonies, and most of the 2nd generation apostles were murdered.
Paul, Peter and James met together in Jerusalem and discussed several things.
James the brother of John was martyred for claiming he saw Jesus resurrected
You have 42 writers talking about Christ in the first 150 years of his death.
The Emperor Claudius died 11 years after Jesus and only 10 writers talked about him within 150 years of his death.
Within 150 years of the death of Julius Caesar, only 5 writers spoke about his military conquests.
There were 11 different group sizes recorded that saw Jesus resurrected (at least). 500 saw Him and many of them were still alive when Paul wrote 1 Cor. 15.
They even saw Jesus rise up to heaven in His rapture.
Jesus was the most selfless man who ever lived and his teaching reaches the deepest into our spirits to change us. He was also the only sinless man that ever lived.
He died as prophesied the Prophets said he would and as Jesus said He would for the salvation of all those who receive Him for eternal life and forgiveness of sins. He was the suffering servant (Is. 53)
His miracles were miraculous.
The probability of fulfilling 62 in Christ prophecies is less than 1 in a trillion.
Jesus said clearly He is God and only a perfect sacrifice can atone for sins. Only the Creator could do that.
Since creation was intelligent and God created, then it would stand to reason by His graces that He would enter into His creation to give us a road map to life (for those who would receive it).
Even if Christ does not return for a million or even a billion years from now, and there are millions even billions of books written in the future, there will always be one book that stands far above all the rest: the 66 books of the Bible as the purest conscience and intuition and communion in spirit.
God needs to forgive us and the only way to do that is through His Son's death who takes all sin unto Himself since we are all sinners and all sin leads to death and the second death (hell).
God loves you and a most loving act of all is to enter into creation to die for you to save you.
The Apostles all went to their death proclaiming visually witnessing seeing Jesus resurrected in His physically spiritual body that they could touch. They didn't even want to believe it to begin with when they heard about until they saw it for themselves. It was not just doubting Thomas that had this faithlessness.
Would men lie about such a thing? They would have no faith in a false claim, a false Jesus if Jesus didn't resurrect by the Holy Spirit.
If this is true, then there is a heaven and a hell, a new city in the new earth and a dimension to keep the unsaved eternally separated from God because they are fully aware in their spirit of God-consciousness that they are born into sin and need salvation; so, if they don't want to be saved it is because that is their choice, and they have no excuse and no one to blame.
By God's good graces He reemphasizes what is already known in our spirit.
This evidence far outweighs the evidence of atheists or agnostics, so logic and conscience states you should come to the cross to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If I am wrong, then there is no loss since you will just cease to exist. If I am right, the consequences are eternal.
What are you going to do?