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View Full Version : John 1.1-5, 3.16,18 and Salvation

11-18-2006, 07:55 PM
The way to salvation requires you to believe Jesus is God as well as your Redeemer and Lord.

If someone says to you they are a Christian, but just a couple days ago tell you they are not sure if they really believe Jesus is God, then they are not saved, at least not yet.

It is amazing the lines non-Christians come up with to avoid being born-again. I don't even remember being that creative when I was not yet born-again. And the number of accusations against Christians is no less great. Jesus said if you are attacked and judged falsely do not worry, for whatever happens to us, far worse happened to him. Your reward is coming.

Because the fake Christian doesn't really care, naturally they play games to conceal their real condition and think nothing of it. You may ask them, "Jesus said He is God, the Apostles said He is God, all Christians who have ever lived said He is God, and I know He is God. So how can you call yourself a Christian and say you are not sure if Jesus is God?"

The fake Christian responds, "I said I was not sure. I didn't say He wasn't God".

Respond by saying, "Jesus said if you are not with Him, then you are against Him".

The fake Christian says, "I am a child of God, I am a Christian. I believe He is God".

Respond with, "Did you all of a sudden get saved just now, or are you just trying to appease me by telling me what I want to hear?"

The fake Christian says, "Well, huh..."

Interrupt them, saying, "Why overlook what I had just said? For to be a Christian, one must not think maybe Jesus is God, but they must know it. Can you at least now accept that you are not a child of God and not a Christian?"

The non-Christian responds, "Yes".

Respond with, "Good. Now that you know that you were never saved, you can truly come to the cross to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and receive eternal life by His grace alone. Or, if you prefer, you can remain unsaved and bound for hell. Your choice.

If you do decide to give your life to Christ at this very moment, we Christians better not see your hostility against us anymore and always accusing of us of sharing the gospel with others or identifying the fact that you are still not reading the Bible in a life relationship with Christ if that is the case. When you do truly give your life to Christ, I would love to hear about it. It would be authentic and real. There would be much to rejoice because you have entered into the new creation in resurrection life and become a member of the body of Christ".