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View Full Version : Mormons are Racist and Believe in Reincarnation

12-25-2006, 10:49 PM

See this video. Conclusion: there is simply no basis, support or evidence for all this overassuming. It makes for a twisted story, if you like that kind of thing, and possibly a blockbuster movie.

The Mormon god Elohim had more wives in endless celestial sex than Muslims when he comes from another planet as a spirit being; then he goes back having more sex with more wives. Muslims only get 72 virgins. I guess if you are a bigger god, you get more pun tang. Lucifer and Jesus were the oldest children of Elohim. Lucifer wanted all these children to be gods, but Jesus wanted to give them free-will to choose, so Jesus was given the gift of being Savior of the planet earth.

Those that wanted to be gods would never receive physical bodies but remain spirit beings and continue to revolt with Satan. 1/3 of them would fall with Lucifer. Mormon gods born into mormon families would be the beautiful white people who look delight sum. The Negro race, the video says, are the result of those who could care less about being gods (1/3 of the fallen angels) or being born in the flesh as white mormons. The white people who fought valiantly against Lucifer would be born into mormon families on earth. What about all the other skin colors and other white people who are not mormons? Aren't they like the black people then, since they didn't fight valiantly to be born into mormon families, but neither did they side with Lucifer? It sounds like the black people really could care less, but the white people and other other skin colored people care more than the black people so as not to have black skin, even though they did not care enough to to fight valiantly against Satan. Coo coo!

Elohim who created all these spirit beings with celestial sex with endless wives took just one of his wives with him to be Adam and Eve. Then he came back to earth again many thousands of years later to have sex with Mary, the mother of Jesus to give Jesus a physical body. Jesus took three wives: Mary, Martha, and Mary Magdalene. Joseph Smith was a direct descendant of Jesus. Forget that there is no evidence for these things than the self-proclamation of Joseph Smith.

After Jesus was resurrected, he came to the Americas to preach to the Indians whom the mormons believe are really Israelites. This accounts for the beginnings of the mormon church similar to the church in Palestine.

By 421 AD, the dark skinned Indian Israelites known as Laminates had destroyed all the white Nephites in great battles. The Nephites records were recorded on gold plates and buried by Moroni, the last living Nephite. 1400 years later, Joseph Smith found these plates in upstate New York. He was considered a prophet he said because he said he had contact with the spirit world. So his god told him to start the mormon church because all Christian creeds were an abomination.

Joseph Smith originated most of the mormon doctrines that millions believe today to be true. The goal is to become gods by free-choice by keeping a strict code of conduct. Final judgment is before Joseph Smith, Jesus and Elohim. Those mormons who marry each other who receive godhood get to be polygamists in their own eternal celestial sex orgy over their own universes and spawn a never ending supply of new children.

For this, mormons thank Joseph Smith more than any other man, even more than Jesus Christ, for telling them the truth. It's true because Smith died as a martyr, shed his blood for us, so we can become gods if we are mormons. Even though 6 of of the 11 witnesses of the gold plates have since denounced mormonism, at least there is still 5 that admit they saw the gold plates, but they are not certain what was in them.