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View Full Version : Gnostics, Muslims & Gospel of Barnabas

12-28-2006, 11:43 PM
Muslims, like the gnostics that preceded by them 500 years, object by saying Jesus never died. If he did not die then he did not rise from the dead so they think. So the muslim accounts over 600 years later are problematic. The Quran and the Gospel of Barnabas state that when the mob came for Jesus, God made someone else, perhaps Judas, look like him. The mob arrested the look alike and crucified him instead.

This view is plagued by two major problems. First, we can establish the disciples sincerely believed he had risen from the dead and had appeared to them, so what causes their belief if Jesus never died? The Quran says Jesus was raised up at the time of the rescue, so who or what was raised up 3 days later? We have observed therefore this opposing theory of Islam fails.

Second, most scholars consider the gospel of Barnabas as a Muslim forgery composed no earlier than the 15th century. If the Muslims who cite this source knew of it before, they certainly would have said something about it. So this is not the Barnabas that was with Paul in the Bible. Many things this book says are also in direct contradiction to the Bible, for example it denies Jesus is the Messiah.

Since there is no supporting evidence for this Islamic view, it is disregarded. It is my believe muslims could care less about the truth, for they know full well they have created a religion against white people. That is why we have never seen a white muslim.