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View Full Version : What is Different Now Being Saved?

05-30-2007, 02:43 AM
Before I was saved, I never thought about God, but thought about the world only. After being saved I have at least five things I didn't have before:

1) I feel at peace and without any confusion. This is no natural peace, but supernatural in origin. To prove this, I have never known such peace all my life. I am a living testimony to God's redemptive design and I have been chosen before the foundations of the world by God. Christianity and Christ answer my deepest longing questions. I feel forgiven by God and I feel I have died on the cross with Him. I am identified with Him in His death on the cross. Since my old man has died I put to death the deeds of the flesh.

2) I feel joy in worshipping God and gives me great pleasure. This was not possible before for I did not even believe (this is the most rewarding of all). It's a mystery why it is so, but nothing is more effectual in my life. I would say the reason is because our worship of God gives Him great joy and spills over onto us. He is pleased because He knows what is best for us: aligning our wills with His will. Worship is our reverence to God and appeal for a clear and clean conscience as was baptism of the Holy Spirit. Our spirit is stimulated and strengthened in communion to sense God's voice and inner registrations. My intuitive spirit is much more sensitive now. In your walk with the Lord, don't let yourself regress. That would be a great tragedy and you'll lose the reward of reigning with Christ during the 1000 years (Rev. 20.2-7). Be an overcomer believer!

3) The hope I have for the future is beyond words, because I am promised eternal blessings and great adventures to come in the new city and new earth. Jesus said nobody knows all the things God has planned for us.

4) When I talk to people I don't have doubt in what I say. I know what I mean and mean what I say. It is set in stone the path of Christ. There is no wavering, only clarity. I can prove God with the 4 Step Proof for God, and I can touch peoples' hearts with the Gospel of Christ. When I speak I know I am right; nothing can ever change that, because it is God-given by His Word and Spirit.

5) I don't fret about tomorrow. I trust God completely to take care of me. If the birds and bees don't worry, why should we? The fruit of the Spirit is manifested in my life through consecration and sanctification by fulfilling the condition for God's grace to enter and grow in Christ.

Very important warning!: Avoid talking to non-Christians who are non-receptive and arguing repetitively and make truth a casuality for their faith. They are unhealthy for us. They know not what they do, they don't care, and they are going to hell. Don't you dare waste your time on them! I have received much grace in realizing this. Don't let them break your communion with the Lord. For that is exactly what they are trying to do. They want you to break down in your faith. If they can make you fall, that is their evidence for rejecting God so they think. What they don't realize is ONCE-SAVED-ALWAYS-SAVED. Though a Christian can fall temporarily, she can't lose eternal life.