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View Full Version : Situational Theology on Women Elders

07-07-2007, 08:29 PM
You referred me to your writing on "Women Elders."
You said, "They can also legally get abortions and legally be prostitutes in Nevada but that doesn’t make it right." But why can women be mayors of cities and not elders of the church? These are very similar roles.

It says that an elder shall be the "husband of one wife…" Don't read this legalistically. Since men were prominently elders, naturally this phrase is used.

When you say, "she is not to be the head of the family," this does not restrict a woman from being an apostle, or an elder in the church. It simply refers to the fact that the man is the head of the household and the woman needs to have a certain humility in the family to the husband as the head. Similarly the husband should humble himself to his wife. Problems arise when the wife tries to exalt herself in the household.

Your issue: "church women were not to function as authorities over men." A woman not having authority over a man does not prevent a woman from the work of being an apostle or an elder. She still needs to maintain that certain humility in the body of Christ.

I think you have admitted something, for you said, "It’s pure 'reason' but not scripture." Scripture is not just pure everything except reason.

Though "it was Eve who was deceived and not Adam" this doesn't permanently disallow women from being apostles and elders. Hence, Junia (or Julia) was commission by God to be an apostle in God's Word, showing a change in dispensation from the Levitical priesthood. I expose a cult out there called Leevites who make the same mistake.

I am saddened to hear you are in a male-centric system against God's will. This will not go undealt with. You will have to account one day for you reaction to women.