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View Full Version : Higgs Particle

07-10-2007, 11:12 PM
Albert Einstein said the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehendable. However, I still think there are some things God won't disclose to us.

The higgs particle is apparently a particle that ties all other particles together.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is expected to tell us if this particle exists or not. It will bang particles together harder than we ever did before. It will find the Higgs Boson hopefully.

The purpose of physics is to discover the smallest of things, e.g. what is in quarks? We don't understand 97% of the universe. Dark energy is some type of particles; dark energy we know exists, but have no clue about it. Why are there 6 quarks in nature?

Either something new is discovered or we have reached the extent of our ability to understand the smallest things.

The problem in our understanding of the particle spectrum is that theories abound and are all over the place, but no solid concrete agreement. There are actually more models than the number of papers written by the theorists. It's ridiculous.

Dark energy is 70% of the universe. Extra dimensions are very exciting, but we just don't know. It could be just wishful thinking.

The real interesting physics occurs at some massive level of energy that we can't examine or reproduce. It may be the case that our low energy capabilities simply can't get at this high energy revelation.

Perhaps we have reached a pinnacle in our understanding because the physics reveals that information, but we can't reproduce those physics to see for ourselves exactly what happens. Hence, God has held back some things from our perceptions because what He really wants is not our endless searching, but our worship and to walk with us (out of His glory), with those who are His children who have been saved by being redeemed by His precious blood through Christ.