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View Full Version : Why I Cannot Be Cavalier

07-18-2007, 10:59 PM
I know that nothing in nature happens all by itself, since we can cite trillions of examples of things that have a cause on any scale, yet nothing can be show to have happened all by itself to be without a cause.

Hence, this leads us to the only available possibility which is that we had to have been created and caused by that which is uncaused and uncreated.

As we look to see who this is, we realize none can compare to Christ, and we know Jesus walked the earth, said He is God and was multiply attested as being touched, talked to and seen resurrected by those who gave their lives as martyrs for their eyewitness testimony.

For example, Paul whose writings are the most trusted by scholars said he met with James (brother of Jesus), Peter and John on several occasions.

They all agreed to the purpose of Jesus being here, for they were with Jesus either all their lives (in the case of James) or for the three years in His time on earth before His death and after His resurrection for 40 days. The latter is what caused his brother to believe in which the book of James by James gives this testimony as well as others testify in the NT on his behalf.

Paul was with people who said they heard the same voice and saw flashing light, but that only Paul could actually see Jesus, because Jesus was calling out Paul. Paul was so significant, he wrote the most books of the NT, which scholars give the highest regard to.

I don't know how to shove this evidence aside and produce an alternative explanation. Nobody has been able to present a stronger counter to these findings and denounce the significance of why God must enter into His creation. For we know scientifically sin leads to death and is not without consequence, so atonement (the perfect sacrifice) is required for forgiveness to come before God with eternal life and blessings as God has a great many plans for those who love Him.

For those who don't receive His Son, they can't cease to exist because God's image in which we are made can not be annihilated, so they would need to be resurrected away from the saved and be sent to hell, an eternal separation from God and His people.

This is pure logic that I simply cannot overturn by self-declaration, and I would advize you not to be so cavalier either.

The one who was being prophesied by the prophets to come has come and shall come again!