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View Full Version : The Radicals (DVD)

10-01-2007, 06:22 PM
I would like to see this movie. Though I disagree with the teachings and life-styles of the mennonites, amish, hutterites, I do agree with "the Brethren". I disagree with those others because God never asked us to to fall into ascetism. He places the old man on the cross to deal with the root of sin, not the other way around.


To a world of fear Anabaptists introduced freedom...a crime punished by death. The year is 1525. Michael and Margaretha Sattler have fled their religious orders. Their quest: restore the church to the purity of its early days when communities of believers practiced peace, compassion and sacrificial love.

The Sattlers join a group called the Anabaptists and together challenge the 1000 year control of the Church by the State. They call for baptism to once again become, not a mark of citizenship, but an adult and voluntary decision to follow Christ. As their movement grows, so does the determination of their enemies to stop them...by any means necessary.

In 1527, Michael is burned at he stake and Margaretha drowned. But their movement survives and today is carried on by the Mennonites, Brethren, Brethren in Christ, the Hutterites, and the Amish.