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View Full Version : How Do You Resolve God's Immediate Imminence with Biblocality?

10-14-2007, 08:55 AM
That Jesus could return at any time-called imminent (not to be confused with immanent or eminent)-you might think is difficult to resolve with Biblocality, but not so.

All Biblocality says is that God wants us to move the Church more and more in this direction. We don't know what level of Biblocality must be attained for Jesus to return. We may be on the cusp of its attainment or it could take a hundred years more.

Remember when God told Elijah there were 7000 others. There may already be 7000 people in the world today who believe in Biblocality, but are having difficulties making it happen. That might be all God needs-at least enough Workers for the Church intuitively desiring Biblocality and expressing to some extent outwardly as THE working model according to the first century approach laid out.

What we can say is Jesus did not return in previously centuries because there was inadequate acceptance of Biblocality.

There are over 300 prophecies of Jesus' first coming. There is over 8 times that amount for His second coming (over 2500 prophecies of Jesus' second coming (Chuck Missler). By the way Chuck is a pretribber onlyists, which of course, partial rapture disproves.