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05-09-2008, 04:00 PM
"For the worms that devour them will never die, and the fire that burns them will never go out" (Is. 66.24). This is a foretaste of hell-the lake of fire which never goes out and non-annihilation.

During the millennium, the people of the nations who are still alive at the end of the Great Tribulation will be the first generation, continuing on in their physical fleshly bodies, during the millennium. God's overcomers who have physical spiritual bodies will reign as kings and priests over the nations. Sin will still exist during the millennium, but it will be significantly tapered down because the Son of Man will rule with an iron rod from Jerusalem in the Temple on earth.

Satan won't fool any Christians to the ultimate end of worshiping Satan. Satan will teach there will be no more bodies of flesh and blood for the coming millennial kingdom and will turn it into some ethereal place, whereas God teaches the last generation of people at the end of the Tribulation will enter the millennial kingdom on earth under the rule of Christ and His overcomers. How strange it would be to have kings and priests reigning and no people to reign over. Perhaps Satan is trying to get you to think there are no consequences for believers, for the millennial kingdom is the time of recompense. There are still the nations on earth (Rev. 20.3) during the 1000 years so are there people of the nations. In Rev. 21 there are still people with bodies of flesh and blood on the new earth who were transferred livingly from the end of the millennial kingdom, but they reside outside the new city. They regularly reenter the new city to receive renewal from the tree of life, because inherently their bodies are weak, though there is no more sin.

"If any man worship the beast and his image" (Rev. 14.9), "he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone" (v.10) and "they have no rest day nor night" (v.11). You may desire to cease to exist for all your horrible sin as the worse possible consequence, but God says you will be punished in hell for all eternity and never cease to exist in that pain and suffering. It "will never burn out" (Matt. 25.41). Realize it is unlike any natural fire which burns out, so don't bear false witness against God as being some morbid sick punisher. That misses the point to appease your own flesh in hopes the worse possible consequence for you is that you will cease to exist so you can remain in sin as much as you please without commensurate penalty. Whenever you see the word "destroy" don't assume it means annihilation, considering that it "will never burn out" and the torment will continue on day and night. Thereby leaving no contradiction.

When the Bible talks about there being no more people of a certain nation on earth because of their corruptnesses, it is referring to dwelling on earth, not the annihilation of their soul. When you find the evildoers are not joined in burial with the saved, it does not refer to their ceasing to exist, only that they are put elsewhere. We see no grounds for annihilation in the Scriptures. It is only a heretical teaching self-induced and Satanically driven to comfort one's sin nature to believe there is no consequence. How pleased Satan is that the worst that could happen is annihilation. He is so happy. Though deceived.

To kill the soul refers to depriving of any enjoyment in Matt. 10.28. To destroy the soul refers to being disciplined, even for eternity. The One who can do this you should fear, not those who can only kill the body.

Always remember it is death and hades that is cast into the lake of fire, not hell, because the lake of fire is hell. We are not told in the Bible about two set of fiery places of hell and lake of fire. How silly. KJV onlyists have got themselves into big trouble by sticking to their guns in their late manuscripts. The RSV, ASV and NLT disagree with the KJV. Those who are in the book of life are saved; those not are not. To be unsaved is not to be annihilated, but to be resurrected for hell, an eternal conscious awareness of separation from God. Each person's hell will be different.