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View Full Version : OSAS Arminian Exposes Calvinism

05-21-2008, 01:26 PM
There is no issue with regard to being once-saved-always-saved.

The issue is whether your choice is not real choice and is actually just preprogrammed. Would that be legitimate?

What would be the point if all choices are not real and all things are precaused, premade and premeditated? It would be like going through the motions, with a dull, cold and dry outcome without the input of anyone else.

An alternative to this would be if God were to allow you the choice to be with you and you with Him. But, God would need to foresee all affairs just to ensure it was all righteous, holy and true.

From God's perspective, He wants to walk with those who are independent beings dependent on Him and are not merely just robots. I have to believe this with all my heart by faith as God provides a relationship with Him, we can have that relationship by fulfilling certain conditions, one being that we come to the cross of salvation repentantly.

If I am wrong about osas arminian, I don't think God will judge me because this understanding does not go against my own conscience or find difference in the Word of God.

Thank you Holy Spirit for your clarity.