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View Full Version : Insane Mindlessness

05-31-2008, 03:03 PM
Do you really think someone like yourself can just do horrible crimes, or even nuke ten cities, with the worst consequence him merely ceasing to exist? How you would like that there is no meaningful consequence to your sins so you can remain in them and get off on them and be hurtful to others you demented soul, but that day is coming for you when you, made in the image of God (that is, unable to cease to exist and do have the choice to accept the cross), shall be resurrected for hell for eternity, fully conscious of your wrong choice for forever. Then you will know truly you belong in hell. Even now you have a foretaste of hell in your daily existence and something deep down inside tells you that you belong in hell (it suits you better), that you are more intrigued by hell than be with God in the new city and new earth.

Realize as you shut your mind down to the ultimate consequence of your hostility to your Creator, Who is the very reason you exist in the first place, you can only close your mind down for so long, because that day is coming when you will have to pay the piper and meet your Maker at the Great White Throne. When that day comes you will have nothing to say for yourself as you hear the verdict like a criminal that must be locked up for life.

What massive ego it takes to be a non-theist, the ultimate expression of disobedience to your Creator with a simple thought of obstinate retardation. Even the greatest atheist in history, Antony Flew, could no longer remain belligerent in thinking the universe could just happen all by itself, since nothing in nature is without a cause; thus, the universe can't just cause itself. Hence, the uncreated Creator must exist Who designed intelligently. No other known possibility has been put forth by the human race so no other idea can even be conjectured.

Praise the Lord for this discernment! And for God's justice and righteous mercy. His mercy extends to us believers that he would not allow a soul such as yourself near us for eternity. That is true love!

There is no reason for you to be "sad" in your ceasing to exist, because in fact, you will never cease to exist. But rejoice in the salvation afforded to you by Christ. God the Father has done all He can do in giving to you His only begotten Son and providing His Spirit to indwell the new-born spirit regenerated believers. Now you must do your part and come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior so you too can receive new birth as a new creation in letting your old man die on the cross. Thank you Jesus!

Your particular view shown to be wrong is unable to provide any challenge to Christ Jesus, nor has any view in history been able to stand toe to toe with the risen Lord Jesus. Case Closed. Don't be a dullard.

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12-13-2008, 07:33 PM
I think you got this right. People need to think. Actions have consequences.
Those who are wrong and have done bad get punished, for what they have done. There can't be no consequences for actions. People could do whatever, and there would be no order. Just chaos.