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View Full Version : It's Awesome Dude!

08-04-2008, 09:33 PM
Don't you love how the truth sets you free (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/SMCFP.htm)? Can you feel it? To have all your sins forgiven is awesome. To have power over sin and self and putting to nought the deeds of the flesh having died on the cross with Christ is doubly awesome. To be raised with Jesus with His life now in the spirit in heavenly places and have His Spirit indwelling my spirit, is even more awesome. To have His eternal blessing and promise I will be resurrected with the saved at the last day is even more awesome! To spend an eternity in the new city and new earth with all the children of God, and God and the Lamb at the center, is even more awesome. To know nobody knows the things God has planed for those who love Him is even more awesome! It's so awesome, I only wish you could have the same. This feeling of knowing far surpasses any human relationship or pleasurable gain in this world. I only wish I could explain it to you better and express myself better. Perhaps no words are adequate enough. You can call this process, or part of the process, Biblical Psychology, the Redemptive Design, the Religion of Christianity, the Work of the Lord, His Divine Plan, the Mystery Age of the Church, Eternal Life, Resurrection Life, Overcoming, God's Word, the Bible. It's so cool!

FACT: This is not just the best world/religious view, but it is as the Creator intended to show us how to live and how to die. You have a choice. You can die in 50 or 60 years physically (or sooner as atheism is unhealthy for your spirit, soul and body), or if you like, you can die today with Christ on the cross. If you die with the Redeemer, you get eternal life. If you die without Him in your life, you get to go to Hell with no pleading; and you will always remember how I tried to get you saved. That eternal regret that you will experience in hell is unfathomable. Every day of your life your conscience will eat away at you that you couldn't even abide in your own conscience telling you to believe in Jesus. That's very sad.