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View Full Version : Money is Not Really Money Until Jesus Returns

08-11-2008, 11:47 PM
If you don't know what I mean when I say "money is not really money", it's because the system has fooled you like you are caught in the matrix and haven't taken the red pill yet. The only real money that exists is what you "sign as a promise to pay". "Money is created from debt" and "debt is created from your promise to pay". If there is no promise to pay there is no debt, and if there is no debt, there is no money. So the more debt there is, the more money there is. And the more money there is, the more debt needs to be created to pay for the interest on that money. The fractional reserve system depends on debt to make money.

From 1929-32, loans dried up, so money disappeared. There was a 27% reduction in the money supply. People were in short supply of money which could stimulate imagination and hard work.

The solution is everyone in a fiat system has to keep borrowing like a banshee to make sure there is lots of money to pay for the use of money. Where does the interest come from to pay the principle on deposit? Since interest + principle > principle there is a problem, because there is not enough money to pay the interest, since the principle is less than the total money needed of interest + principle. How frustrating!

The only way to satisfy this problem is to create more debt which is vital because the interest is more than the debt in long-term mortgages, for example. Debt increases, causing more interest to be charged in a never ending escalation. The time lag between more debt needed to pay more interest must be properly balanced otherwise the whole system would be bankrupt, inflation or deflation will get out of control. Some central banks did a horrible job at striking the right balances and caused massive deflation or inflation in the history of banking. But even if they did a perfect job at it, it would still be a problem because resources and trade can't keep up with the demands for debt to pay the exponential increase in interest.

Can this go on forever, always avoiding a collapse? Like a game of musical chairs as long as the music keeps going, everyone is still playing, but the music can't last forever.

Money will grow more and more worthless if it continues to out pace more and more the production and volume of trade attached to that currency.

GDP growth of 3% per year is an exponential progression, because it is 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03. Are there an infinite amount of natural resources and trade on earth to keep up with the Jones's debt?

How can we solve this problem? We have to change our concept of money. Money can't be based on "usury" which the sin of charging interest, i.e. making money without the value of work. It was justified as righteous work because banks set up their operations and promote trade and take risks. That was the false perception perpetrated for a few people to control you and me.

A society which depends on perpetually accelerating growth of debt to pay interest would not work under a society where it replenishes its resources, because there is no growth and growth is needed to create more debt to pay off the principle plus interest. Money under a non-growing economy would need to function differently than our present system. But how can this be accomplished?

Because the growth of money is exponential, if there is a system where nobody lends money at an interest rate, but then one person all of a sudden starts charging interest, eventually one day he will own not just own all the money, but all the goods and services of the world and enslave everyone.

What then is the solution? The solution is a universal dividend of money has to be equally distributed to everyone. You could tax heavily banks so they don't get all the money, but that doesn't work, because then banks wouldn't want to be in business. But if the banks were run as non-profit organizations they could distribute money equally to everyone without any interest. Now we are getting somewhere.

Therefore, the tinkering of the existing system will never solve the problem but it must be entirely replaced. What must go? The concept of debt, interest and taxation must be abolished.

Banks were created in sin - never forget this! Not only debt, interest and taxation must be abolished, but also must banks, the conduits for these things. Taxation exists in the form of inflation. It is a hidden tax. By the same token you might think governments need to be abolished too if taxation is wrong. What is a government suppose to do if it can't tax?

Governments should be able to print their own money not as a debt to pay for their own money they gave out freely. Their sole responsibility should be to print money without usury involved and maintain zero inflation. Once inflation or deflation exists, you know they are not doing their job right.

However there is still a problem as we move to a one world government, because each nation is in control of its own money by a few people who have the right to print it. Those in control of the money are usually not Christians, so there's the problem, for Christians seek to do God's will. And as a pile of money that is not charged interest and one person who decides to start charging interest ends up getting all that money that was not charged interest, and he controls the resources and people of a society, so too will the few people who are in control of the one world order with the Antichrist at the head will own everything unless people war to defend what they got. But even then the Antichrist will get it all because he is most in control of the money in creating it and charging for it. When the Great Tribulation happens to fight over money and resources, 200 million machines (Rev. 9.16) will congregate in the Middle East and 1/3 of the people will die in a nuclear global exchange (9.18).

Before the Antichrist is able to destroy Israel and Christians, Jesus returns. Because Jesus saves Israel, they finally believe in their Messiah who was here on earth almost two thousand years ago.

When Jesus returns, with His words, He will explain how the new money system works without usury. Basically, the nations can't print money as they like, but each government run by today's Apostles of the Church and Saints of Old will be accountable to the matter of inflation. The governments will give money out to people according to value needed and created. If you lie on a bed of fornication, your money will be less than someone who contributes to society in many great ways, but nobody will get paid millions of dollars a year in salary or stock options. And everyone will at least be given enough money to eat and sleep and receive shelter. If someone has a great idea to produce value they could get lots of money. It is a value system.

That's all I know for now. But no worries. Jesus will explain how it is to work when He returns in Person.

08-12-2008, 12:10 AM
I can simply everything you just said by saying it this way: "the greatest shortcoming of the human race is a lack of understanding of the consequence of the exponential function".