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10-17-2008, 05:38 PM
Top Ten Signs You are Going to Hell

1. You don't believe there is a hell.
2. You don't believe Jesus said He is God.
3. You don't believe Jesus existed.
4. You don't believe Jesus died on the cross.
5. You don't believe the disciples saw Jesus resurrected.
6. You don't believe there is a Creator.
7. You believe evolution is mutually exclusive of creation.
8. You don't believe the church was founded on the eyewitness testimonies of Jesus' resurrection.
9. You don't believe the penalty Jesus paid on the cross can atone for our sins or provide power over sin and self.
10. You don't agree the Apostles were martyred for their eyewitness accounts of the resurrected Jesus.

Ten More for Fun

11. You think there was someone who walked on earth who called himself God prior to Jesus and was resurrected.
12. You think other religions are non-contradictory with Christianity.
13. You think everyone is a Christian who says they are.
14. You think you can have a god of your own making apart from Christ.
15. You think Jesus will never return.
16. You think you can lose salvation after being born-again.
17. You think we are in the 1000 years now.
18. You think the Father is the Son or the Son is the Spirit or the Spirit is the Father.
19. You think God is gods.
20. You don't think God has infinite foreknowledge.

Top 10 in Christendom Going to Hell

21. You believe in total depravity or calvinism.
22. You believe Mary was sinless.
23. You believe not all Christians are saints.
24. You believe woman can't be apostles, ministers, or elders.
25. You believe in intermediary priesthood or popery.
26. You believe in paying for indulgences.
27. You think people in other religions can be saved.
28. You believe in antinomianism.
29. You believe in annihilation of the soul and spirit.
30. You believe in a metaphorical new city.