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10-22-2008, 11:43 PM
Strong Faith

In order to have strong faith in something it has to have strong foundation. As a Christian my strong foundation is based on what I deem to be undeniable evidence for an uncreated Creator and the resurrection of Jesus proving He is God and He accomplished what He came to do.

But something happens along the way, you wonder if there is something that could explain away the resurrection. It escapes me and everyone who I have ever spoke to about it. I am convinced Jesus was being sincere. He was not purposefully lying. Nor was he delusional as he was of more sound mind and body than anyone else during his day.

Yet how can you even think to try to explain it away if Jesus was not a liar, nor a lunatic, nor misrepresented? I add that he was not misrepresented, because the disciples spent 3 years with him. They would feel very guilty if they misrepresented him. Furthermore, they were martyred for their testimony of His resurrection and claim of being God.

Once you think in this light, there is only one solution to your life. Build your relationship with Jesus by reading Him which is the Word of God in the 66 books of the Bible. You can read anything else you like, but make sure you read the Word of God at least several times in your life so you approach other things you read and do with His light and truth.

The direct time you spend prayerfully reading the Word you will receive the grace of knowing Him to be able to follow His will more closely. As much as you might think your plans in this world take precedence, nothing compares to a deep relationship with Christ, no matter what your circumstances.

Is discussing this matter of salvation and eternal life and a relationship with God worthy of writing a book about it? No. Because it is more important that you just do it instead of reading a book about it. It takes one page to tell you that this is what is needed and why.

Why? There is something else on the other side of this life. This life I live now by faith has a promise of being resurrected with rewards and those rewards last for 1000 years (Rev. 20.4). After that is the new city and new earth God apportions for us in which he places us within this New Jerusalem come down from heaven where heaven and earth meet.

But until then, appreciate what God wants now. He wants your self-sacrifice to get to know Him and follow His Holy Spirit in the believer’s born-again spirit.

So that is what I am going to do right now. Amen.