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01-15-2009, 12:16 PM
I am certain the woman I am going to marry is a Christian, for the simple reason her spirit is regenerated (she has new life and a new spirit), quickened by the Holy Spirit. She no longer lives in her old woman because her old woman has died on the cross with Christ. She has been chosen by God (as a new creation) before the foundations of the world to spend an eternity with. She has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ for all her sins have been forgiven. Whereas a non-Christian woman is not born-again, her spirit is dead to God, and she does not accept the greatest love ever known to mankind by what Jesus did for us on the cross. Non-Christian women are selfish and place self at the center of the universe instead of God. Of course they don't think that, or if they do, they don't care anyway and are insensitive to the consequences of the fact that sin leads to death and the second death which is Hell, an eternal separation from God.

"In the beginning was the Word [Jesus Christ], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not" (John 1.1-5).

If you are not a Christian, realize you ought to be one by the evidence, but the reason you don't believe is not because of lack of proof, but it is your heart condition which requires a change of mind (repentance) and a willingness to have a change of heart to receive the truth that you are a sinner in need of salvation. No man can come to the Father except through the Son; there is no other name under heaven by which one can be saved than that of Jesus Christ. If you are unwilling to confess the Son, the Son will deny you before the Father for all eternity. The reason you don't give it up (and let faith be your guiding principle to trust in Him for all things), is because you are afraid to give up control of self, but true love casts out all fear. The problem I am sure is people live by their feelings (and thoughts or volition) so are swayed by their environment to and fro instead of receiving the guidance in their spirit by the Holy Spirit in agreement with the Word of God to do God's will. This is true joy and peace.

As to proof, over 90% of all religions and world-views belong to these four categories: Christianity, atheism/agnosticism, Islam, Hinduism/Buddhism. A loving God would make Himself accessible, so we need not concern ourselves with the 30,000 plus other religions or views out there that fend over the remaining 10%. Who would have the time anyway? Quickly, we can prove atheism/agnosticism false because nothing in nature happens all by itself-there is always a cause to everything in nature. Therefore, the universe can't cause itself. If it can't cause itself, there is only one possibility which is the uncreated (always existing) created who intelligently designed. Nor can the universe always have been existing because along the exponential progression of conscience, mankind would not be sinning to the extent it still does. If you can't tell there has been an exponential progression of conscience or that man has a sin nature, there is no point in you reading further, for you willingly shut your mind down and there is no way anyone can reach you unless you go through extreme hardship of some kind to get you to reassess your life.

Islam is false because six centuries later a guy in a cave all by himself wrote the Koran who said Jesus didn't die to reject the atonement without anything to support his allegation and despite over 45 early source documents within 150 years after Jesus died that talk about the life, death, deity and resurrection of Jesus, many of which were from secular sources. Remember, it is a proven fact nobody in antiquity is documented more than Jesus Christ so lack of information is not the issue.

Hinduism and Buddhism are false for obviously, you are not going to coming back as a chicken or a rabbit, and if you are good rabbit you can come back as a human in endless cycles theory, because this not only violates the exponential progression of conscience, but it also does not effectively deal with sin promptly in this life and encourages you to sin more because you always get another chance in another life. Furthermore, Hinduism is false because it's God Brahma is said to be amoral, but this doesn't make sense if we as an extension of Brahma are moral beings. Buddhism is further shown to be false because it teaches you to shut your mind down in a state of Nirvana to deal with the pain and suffering in India, but this is never the solution. We need to confront our problems. We have millions of nerve endings designed for pleasure. Great inventions are achieved by actively using one's faculties.

That just leaves Christianity, which is proven by the eyewitness resurrection accounts and enemy attestation. Almost all skeptical scholars admit the disciples truly believed they saw Jesus resurrected, but group hallucinations are impossible according to modern psychology. Since Jesus did not lie, He was not a lunatic, appears to have been sinless, and the disciples were martyred for their saying they saw, talked with and touched the resurrected Jesus (which Jesus said would prove He is God), then it is time now you receive what Jesus did for you on the cross. Otherwise, I can assure you, you are going to Hell, for I am unable to disprove this proof either and nobody has. Do not worry about the inerrancy of the whole Bible for now, for the Church was founded on the resurrection so it all hinges on the resurrection proof. If you can't disprove it reasonably, know it is true.

There are those who say they believe in God, but it is a God of their own making. This is coy and couth. Since it is clearly shown all religions are false (by some major mistaken assumption) except Christianity and it is the only world-view that fits the known data, you are without excuse if you are not yet born-again.

"That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. " (John 3.15-19).

I would like to meet a woman who has a conscience who gets this! Because if you get this, you get me! Half-hearted, nominal Christians and especially those who don't accept Christ are dullards to me. I am kind of picky when it comes to looks. My purpose in explaining all this is to find a Christian woman to be best friends with and if you are not a Christian, then this should convince you so by the grace of God you'll enter into new birth, and we can get together as two children of God (where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, there is the Church) with eternal life-an ability to know God and eternal blessings to enter into the new city in the new earth.