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View Full Version : An Email Sent to Bart Erhman

01-18-2009, 07:40 PM
Bart D. Ehrman (behrman@email.unc.edu),

You have admitted Jesus died on the cross and the disciples believed they saw Jesus resurrected, then what is the explanation for their genuinely believed eyewitness accounts of Jesus bodily? You don't think they were liars if you admit they were being genuine.

Gary R. Habermas (with Mike Licona (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=1athHxDvisQ)), in his consummate work, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, shows how group hallucinations are impossible in 5 points and visions are impossible in another 5 points.

According to Gary R. Habermas, and the Zeitgeist Refutation, there are no resurrection accounts prior to Jesus. Jesus would be the first case.

I need the highest standard of proof which would be:

religio-historical context;
multiply attested;
verified empty tomb in the text;
the person claims to be God;
the disciples were martyred for their eyewitness claims.
Otherwise, it can be written off as some natural explanation. But to my knowledge, only the Bible meets these five criteria (we should accept nothing less from God); thus, I am led by this evidence to believe Jesus is God.

If you can't answer this challenge set before you, I think this would be where you shut your mind down.

Troy Brooks