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View Full Version : Comparing the Aryan Nation to Calvinism

06-07-2009, 05:49 PM
In Calvinism is the idea their god sends the unsaved to Hell without recourse and irresistibly imposes salvation on others. How is this any different than Nazi Germany?

Rosenberg – one of the principal architects of Nazi ideological creed – argued for a new "religion of the blood," based on the supposed innate promptings of the Nordic soul to defend its "noble" character against racial and cultural degeneration. Under Rosenberg, the theories of Arthur de Gobineau, Georges Vacher de Lapouge, Blavatsky, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Madison Grant, and those of Hitler ("the exact opposite of the Aryan is the Jew") all culminated in Nazi Germany's race policies and the "Aryanization" decrees of the 1920s, 1930s, and early 1940s. In its "apalling medical model", the annihilation of the "racially inferior" Untermenschen was sanctified as the excision of a diseased organ in an otherwise healthy body.

Just like racism is an assumption and based on the pride of life, so is assuming regeneration (born-again/new birth/salvation) without prior repentance, genuine choice, and belief to obtain the freely offered gift of faith.

Whatever we believe must be firmly grounded in evidence! No exceptions. Otherwise sin can really take off and like never before!