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06-09-2009, 07:25 PM
What Love is This?


Debating Calvinism

06-13-2009, 01:26 AM
Calvinism is Absurd

How to Defeat Calvinism
Arminian Basic Training (same video as How to Defeat Calvinism)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OebZJzB7W_c (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OebZJzB7W_c)
#1 Yes, but how? Fleshly means propensity to sin not total depravity. Not coercion, but choice.
#2 Jesus didn't kill Calvin, why should Calvin kill a non-Trinitarian? even though he is going to Hell. He might have still been able to come Christ if he wasn't killed by the Calvinist. Should Calvinists then just kill everyone because since it happened anyway when they kill everyone it must be God's will according Calvinists with just Calvinists left?
#3 Jesus is allowed to repeat Himself. Draw yes, but how? Coercion or choice (OSAS). Some draw back to perdition.
#4 Ordained, give, sheep, of God, how? Don't assume the HOW. God does the saving not man; doesn't mean no choice.
#5 I am OSAS Arminian-Christian-only way to be saved.
#6 John 3.16 agrees with those verses.
#7 How do those verses prove Calvinism?
#8 Libertarian free will means that our choices are free from the determination or constraints of human nature and free from any predetermination by God. OSAS Arminians (Christians) don't believe in libertarian free-will, because we accept determination and constrains of human nature God gave us to have free-will which is predetermined by God by foreknowing our free-choice: a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints.
#9 Regeneration is not decisional, but your choice, given by God, to have is.
#10 John 3.16 can save you if you respond to His pleading "whosoever believeth." God does not try, in full according with His righteous boundaries, to convince and persuade in vain, for that would be false hope to the non-elect.

Debating Calvinism (James White vs. Dave Hunt on John 6:37-44)
John 6.44 teaches unless God draws him, so anyone drawn here is saved. The same two "him"'s are in agreement. But how does God draw? By providing sufficient grace to all upon our free-will to have the free-choice. Even some draw back, though not the ones in John 6.44.