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View Full Version : The Counsel of His Will, p. 39 of Debating Calvinism (2004)

06-27-2009, 06:43 PM
On page 39 of Debating Calvinism, James White says, "The 'all things' (Eph. 1.11) that are done in accordance with God's purpose" includes salvation: "the certainty of the gospel rests is the divine attribute of sovereignty and active rulership over creation. Without this truth, one is left with religions of men: God offers, God tries, but in the final analysis, men dispose."

Why does God's sovereignty and active rulership require that God not offer, not do all He can righteously (not merely "tries"), and not give man a free-will to freely choose (free to refuse, or as White puts it, "dispose")?

James White gives no basis for his assertion. It is just assumed. He says that man has a choice is a doctrine of man, but it would seem to me the doctrine of man is to deny man has free-will. It is a doctrine of robots something man would come up with. Like Hitler assumed the Aryan race were the chosen ones and they had no choice in the matter.

Why doesn't God have the immense power to be able to give man the free-choice? Why worship a god that is unable or unwilling to do this? Doesn't God want to have fellowship with sovereign beings with free-will rather than robots?