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09-13-2009, 03:04 AM
Is it not evil to worship a god who sends people to Hell born that way without giving them any sufficient grace whatsoever to have the choice to receive the ransom paid? I am not allowed to speak against Calvinism on most Calvinist venues such as tangle.com, carm.org, sermonindex.net, etc. which allow Paul Washer, a hardened Calvinist, full reign to speak, but as soon as I speak there or upload videos against Calvinism, they are removed. What love is this? Paul Washer is not born-again. He preaches a love of God that is not God's love, sending people to Hell who were born into sin, but are given no opportunity for salvation. This glorifies the god of Calvinism. It doesn’t glorify God of the Bible.

The god of Calvinism is unwilling or unable to provide sufficient grace; he is either impotent or devilish. He irresistibly imposes regeneration on the Calvinism elect unconditionally without any need for prior repentance and faith. That’s what you call a selfish salvation. You get to have your cake and eat it to-an easy-believism and stacking the deck are some common terms to describe it. Some Calvinists who are a little more couth will say, God caused them to repent and believe to be regenerated, rather than being regenerated causing them to repent and believe. Even so, their God causes them but not others, indicating an insufficient grace that is not sufficient for all to have the choice. This undeniable and inescapable heresy is derived from assuming the fall made man Totally depraved. The truth be told, man is fallen and depraved, but nobody is incapacitated to receive the gift of repentance and faith. Even if there was one person whom God withheld grace from (and God's love diminished) so he had no recourse whatsoever, then we are no longer talking about God of the Bible, but the god of Calvinism.

C.S. Lewis wrote, "Imagine the delight that is given to Satan, when people are in contact with him and they think they are in contact with the Living God." This is Satan's brightest moment. His most dazzling deception! He has his way of conversion as well. 'And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light' (2 Cor. 11.14). Even Satan's ministers come as angels of light"; e.g. Calvin, Luther, Augustine, Jonathan Edwards, Pink, R.C. Sproul, John Piper, MacArthur, James White, Phil Johnson, Washer, Mark Driscoll, and the list goes on and on. The god of Calvinism is an evil tyrant unworthy of worship. Parallels can be drawn to Hitler. Hitler was glorified by irresistibly imposing blessing and divine right from birth on the Aryan race and by confiscating the wealth of and sending Jews off the gas chambers without the choice to escape his wrath. And John Calvin, the Protestant Pope of Geneva, killed many people who did not fall in line with his doctrines. Hitler could not have rose to power if it were not for the mindset of Calvinism. How much worse does the Calvinist stance have to get for you to reject the god of Calvinism and idol of Total depravity Calvinists use to refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated?

The god of Calvinism causes his willing minions to pride themselves over others who do not receive this alleged irresistible grace. Calvinists are little gods. And he gives them an idol to worship in return for their obedience of assuming regeneration without first repentance and faith. The deception lies in wielding a falsehood that counterfeits man’s actual condition. Man's actual condition though fallen still remains in God's image. God's image can never cease to exist. Stop priding yourself on the delusion you were irresistibly regenerated or made to repent and others were not given this forced election. It's not election at all! Love that is forced is not real love. If you are a Calvinist, you were never born-again. Accept it. If you were, you could repent of Calvinism right here and now by the grace of God and conviction of the Holy Spirit! Amen.