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View Full Version : Think About What You Are Saying Calvinists

09-18-2009, 06:40 AM
Think about what you are saying. "No one wants" (Total depravity). Therefore, without God irresistibly imposing salvation on some, none will be saved. But what about the rest who are passed over and not given sufficient enabling grace to have the choice? They were born into sin, did not have the choice about that. Everyone DESERVES the right to the opportunity to be saved, for how evil it would be to create a person with no opportunity whatsoever for salvation and damned for Hell for all eternity from birth. This is the god you are worshiping my Calvinist adversaries. This is the evil Hitler imposed on the Jews from birth. How will you escape this lie that you cling to and idol you have set up in your heart you call Total depravity?

The Bible says be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). How is it true repentance and true belief if you were irresistibly made to do it and had no choice in the matter? Just as the others were passed over and were made to reject God for forever from birth. The very fact it was given to you and not them means it was not a matter of choice, for unless the grace of God is sufficient for all to have the choice, then it is evil, imposed and not from God and the Lord Christ Jesus.

All Calvinism is a heresy. All of it, every ounce of it. Every kind and every type. All 5 points are poison from Satan. If you are saved, then you can easily repent here and now, but if you can't repent, the possession has already begun to take hold and I do not know if you are born-again. It is likely you are not.

Since it wasn't your choice, you really can't know if you are saved, so you will work hard for it the rest of your life just like you did when you thought you could lose your salvation when you were a non-OSASer (some of you were). When did you ever by your own free will obtain the gift of repentance and faith to be regenerated by the God who keeps you for salvation for eternity when you are not able to?

When you are around Christians, you might not be aware of it, but realize they can sense your spirit with this pride and they are turned off by you. There is only one solution, repent of Calvinism, all 5 points. If you need help with this just ask. As many people who were not cognizant to enter into the cult of non-OSAS have a probability of entering into another cult if the first cult didn't stick. You have entered into the cult of Calvinism. Nobody taught Calvinism in the first 2 or 3 centuries. Augustine invented it.

In time, this will be a source of problems for where you will reach a breaking point. You'll either remain a Calvinist for live showing you were never born-again to begin with or you will finally repent of all 5 points of Calvinism. If only you could repent of it now. Amen.