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View Full Version : Non-Christians Lack a Conversion Experience

10-25-2009, 01:27 AM
Non-Christians are trying to form a conversion experience like Christians have (born-again), for they are jealous of us, our joy and peace in the Spirit, yet they are too selfish to give up control of self. The problem is whatever they try doesn't pack the punch true regeneration provides in Christ as new creations of God, so instead of getting everyone on stream with Oprah's conversion experience, it will simply be the baptismal-implant under your skin for entrance into the one world system. This is the connection that those who are going to Hell are mistakenly seeking after to fill the hole in their lives. Christians reject the mark of the beast and shall willingly die by refusing to take it when it is forced on everyone in the Great Tribulation, but till then most people will take it freely and willingly since most people are not Christians, thus don't have a conscience to recognize why this is wrong, and are going to Hell.