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View Full Version : Joseph Smith the Con-Man Preaches Another Jesus

11-02-2009, 02:51 AM
Satan is the author of confusion,


There is no archaeological evidence,


Where's the temple in the Americas?

Gordon B. Hinckley said, as recorded by audio, in the April 2002 General Conference, "As a church, we have critics--many of them. They say we do not believe in the traditional Christ of Christianity. There is some substance to what they say. Our faith, our knowledge, is not based on ancient tradition.... Our faith, our knowledge comes of the witness of a prophet in this dispensation..."

Gordon does not believe in the Christian Christ.


Joseph Smith died in a gun battle and killed at least two people while he was still in jail for his crimes of trying to shutdown the the Nauvoo newspaper that was speaking badly about him. And when he was dying he gave the Masonic signal.


The Egyptian book he called the Book of Abraham did not say what Smith said it said. There was no way these Egyptian records in 1835 could have been translated because they did not have the Rosetta Stone. Smith's fiction has gods creating the earth.

Nauvoo Expositor newspaper was exposing Smith of taking government monies. He was put to death for his crimes.

This last video touches me the most Joseph Smith was a liar of liars because this papyri was found in 1966 actually belonged to agent Smith (of the Matrix, lol) because Joseph's wife's letter was included with it and the pictorial is identical except for the parts where Smith changed some items or tor out parts from the papyri to agree with his fanciful rendering.

The Egyptian meanings of the pictorial and text did not say anything at all what Smith said they said. Where Smith drew a man's head in place of Jackal's head, shows Smith was making it up like he made up the Book of Mormon.

Smith made up Moroni. The alleged book of Abraham is a well known Book of the Egyptian Dead. And Abraham is not mentioned once. Other brutal discrepancies occur with the other pictorials.

Smith was a bold face liar. The proper reconstruction of the pictorial shows Joseph Smith could not translate Egyptian,

Examine the other pictorials and their discrepancies,
