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View Full Version : They Are Misleading You

01-02-2010, 10:45 PM
The only religions preaching and proclaiming that the Messiah could not be a guru, or a Tibetan Master, or any of the other ideas promoted by the New Age, are religious/fundamentalist Jews and Christians. Which is why Revelation 12 breaks the woman spoken of (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/satanstrinity.htm) as first being Israel then when the Antichrist can't find the remnant of Jews that flee in the wilderness, he goes after her as the Christians. Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other major religions can easily reconcile their awaited Messiah with the New Age caricature.

The Antichrist must appear to be like the Christ but will denounce the Christian Jesus. To appear like him he must appear as a second coming that destroys the predecessor (who himself appears like the Antichrist). It's very complicated I know, but you get the point. He has to copy Scripture as much as possible while still rejecting Jesus of the Bible of salvation only through Him.

Basically we are being fed the externalization of the new age to dull our senses with superficial rationaliations to set up that which follows which is the actual secret new age of Theosophy that the most wealthy on the planet are plotting after. This is their great plan.

The plan is to get many people as possible to feel comfortable with the Jesus of the Bible as being a copy of Horus (the one eyed alleged son of God of sun worship) or other mystery religious avatar (e.g. Krishna sounds like Christna).

What little do the richest people in the world realize in their plan is that they will fail (because their faith was not in Christ). Jesus returns to stop the Antichrist at the end of the Great Tribulation and throws the him and the False Prophet into Hell at some point during the judgment from 1260th to the 1290th day.

My best guess for the Antichrist is Barack Hussein Obama and the False Prophet to be possibly Oprah Winfrey who glorifies him. Barack has a life after his presidency and so does Oprah after she quits her show. She wants to develop her cult. And what president in U.S. history was treated so Messiah-like? Besides, imagine how conflicted Barack is. He pretends to be a Christian and Christians aren't suppose to marry Muslims. This will jade him further to mold him to be the Antichrist. So there has to be an predecessor before him whom he defeats and which ushers in a peace treaty with Israel and Islam for 7 years, then broken in the middle.
