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02-23-2010, 09:57 AM
I am just exploring things that come up intuitively in my spirit as I read various stuff. It seems to me Muslims are looking for their version of Jesus to return for they will look for a man who did not die on the cross for the sins of the world. And their Jesus returns along with their redeemer or Mahdi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahdi#cite_note-6). This Mahdi I assume is not Allah but a man of Allah. Prior to the return of Jesus is their version of of an Antichrist they call Ad-Dajjal the 'Great Deceiver' who only has one eye. They target the Masonics.

The Mahdi is apparently the 12th Imam and he is here now they say. They claim he is Muhammad ibn al-Hassan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_al-Mahdi). The Imams are said to be without sin. Compare that to Christianity in which only Jesus is without sin for only God is sinless. Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, is also said to be without sin, in competition I presume with the Roman Church's sinless Mary. So you see the immorality of people who think some people are without sin, when in reality no man who ever existed is without sin, for we are all born into sin according to the Bible from the fall of the first Adamic God-conscious man about 4000 BC. All that is born of the flesh is flesh.

This is what I think might happen. Muslims believe there is an Antichrist who would be the leader of the European Union. He will receive a deadly wound and come back to life, claiming to be God effectively (this is the 8th who was the 7th in Revelation 17). The Jesus of Islam will be the False Prophet in Christianity who promotes the Antichrist. The problem is the Jesus in Islam is supposed to promote the Mahdi, not the leader of the European Union. So how do we solve this apparent problem? What if the leader of the European Union was Muslim?

Revelation is not talking about Islam at all, and though Muslims are going to Hell, the point of of focus is on the 7 hilled city which belongs to the Roman Church, and Rome is the center of revived Rome or political Rome. The harlot (Roman Church) rides the 7 headed beast because the Antichrist is the consummate evil of the 7 predecessors. The 10 horns are perhaps the 10 countries on the security council of the UN or the first 10 countries of the European Union, the 10th being Greece in 1981, or it could be the G-10 bankers since they are little horns. Three countries are in such debt the Antichrist takes them over, e.g. Italy, Greece, and one other.

The European Union's GDP is far above even that of United States now and will only widen further. Germany is the largest exporter in the world today. That's scary. The Gross Domestic Product of Islamic countries is piddly. Even though there are one billion Muslims their power only comes from the price of oil. Even so, when you have the president of Iran claiming he will destroy Israel, Israel has no choice but to nuke Iran. This sets off a backlash by the nations then the Great Tribulation occurs. Simultaneously the Vatican is nuked for it says in Revelation she will burn with fire. The Antichrist uses the next Pope as a scapegoat or diversion since the next Pope's number is 666 by adding up the Roman number numbers of popes since Napoleon killed the Pope in 1789. He is also the 266th Pope when Benedict changes his name to Peter of Rome.

It's all about oil and the Masons entering low GDP countries first. Iraq and Afghanistan have really low GDP.

It doesn't really matter who the Antichrist is, for we know his character. He is revived Neron Kaisar in Aramaic which equals 666. It's very confusing to identify who the Antichrist is as well as who the False Prophet is.

The elite and wealthy will think up more reasons to attack Islamic countries for their oil. At the same time this is God's punishment on societies of Ishmael for rejecting the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It's all about money and great harlot the Roman Church which makes drunk the nations with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (Rev. 14.8).
