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View Full Version : Holy Spirit Says Calvinists are Not Born-Again

03-06-2010, 08:10 PM
The Holy Spirit in agreement with the Word of God told me Calvinists are NOT born-again because:

1) They erect an idol they call Total depravity which says they can't repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated, so they can't and won't.

2) They allege they must be irresistibly regenerated before they can repent and believe in Christ.

3) Their god sends people to Hell from birth without any grace or opportunity for salvation. What love is this? If it is evil for us to behave that way then why not the god of Calvinism? The morals of the god of Calvinism mimic the immorality of its followers by their fleshly ideas creating him in their selfish and unloving image.

4) The pride that exudes from assuming by your own will and strength you were irresistibly regenerated and there was nothing you could do about is pompous, arrogant and obnoxious, certainly not the attitude of one who is a child of God to be with God and the Lamb in the New City.

5) Thinking God has a secret will where He doesn't want all to be saved but tells people He does want all to be saved, thus lying to people.

6) The reason why Calvinists are so hard-headed is because they are insecure, for they don't know if they are saved or not, not really, because it was never their choice; so they work for it, and hope it works out--a works-based salvation.

"Savior of all men, specially those who believe" (1 Tim. 4.10) NOT "Savior of all men who believe, specially those who believe", for that is nonsensically redundant.