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12-23-2010, 04:02 PM
Re: simplelife - CARM

So it's grace, plus a little effort on our part, picking ourself up by the bootstraps???
Are you talking about Calvinists picking themselves up by their bootstraps in a little effort on their part assuming they were irresistibly selected?

Why do you reject God's word which says faith is not works?

If we are his children, then why does he leave some in the quicksand for simply doubting his existance, that they have never seen that they know of?We all have a spirit of God-consciousness so we are without excuse in not responding to His prevenient grace. He doesn't leave them in the quicksand but they choose to remain there just as Calvinists choose to remain there. Those who are saved chose His greatly extended hand.

Would not a true God of love simply grab them, and not place requiments on them?No that would not work because then it eradicates free will for with free will is the choice to want to be eternally separated from God as Calvinists want to be eternally separated from Him.

If we let someone die in a pool who cant swim, simply because we dont like one of their beliefs, we are guilty of negligent homicide, that is exactly what your god does.Nobody can swim, that's why God provides us a way out through His only begotten Son. Calvinists, you and others erect idols above God which you use to eternally separate yourself from Him.

God is not guilty of negligent homicide when He did all He could do righteously. If God were to provide insufficient grace even to one soul He would be guilty but He is not since He provides prevenient grace to all. He would also be guilty if He forced someone into His castle. That's called kidnapping. Calvinists go to eternal jail for that.

No, a calvinst understand that NOTHING he can do will add to God's grace. You believe on the other hand, grace is not enough, you need to do your part.The Calvinist not only tries to alter God's grace but adds to it by assuming he was irresistibly selected. The Calvinist believes in libertarian free will, whether he realizes it or not, going against God's provision. This is wrong. Calvinists are also pelagian, denying original sin, because original sin does not teach that God doesn't provide sufficient grace to us all able to respond.

It's is dead wrong to believe in a god who irresistibly imposes salvation who is unable to provide sufficient grace to all to be able to respond by faith.

It is not grace to irresistibly impose salvation on someone. People go to jail for that.

The Bible contrasts faith and works so why accuse God?