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View Full Version : Rejecting the Gracious God Who Gives Us All Free Choice!

01-25-2011, 02:43 AM
This is probably the most important question a Calvinist can ask himself: why reject such a gracious God who provides us all the opportunity to receive His saving grace?

Why accept a lesser god who is unable to do this?

Wouldn't you rather be in a universe that God interacts with His creation, allowing us to have the choice, rather than having to irresistibly impose salvation and sending people to Hell for no other reason than they were born into sin which was not their fault?

Would not God be a sadistic bastard if He were to judge people for not receiving His command that they believe on Him if He prevents them from being able to (as is in Calvinism)? Why prevent them when you could have saved them? Or why not provide them all sufficient grace to have the choice so the blame is squarely on them if they refuse?

Based on these concerns, who are those who worship a false Christ if not Calvinists? Somebody is worshiping a false Christ. Since there are no verses in God's word for any of the 5 points of Calvinism, who is a better candidate for being a fake Christian, thus unsaved?

What is the motivation for worshiping a false Christ?
Let's say God wants us to join Him in a way that is genuine, truly sincere, real and gives us the grace to be able to do so. But what if the reason for rejecting this God is because either a) you are too scared (clinging to self) to do so (whatever excuse you make up, e.g. total depravity, grace must be irresistible, etc.), or b) you prefer the lie, a false Christ, where you didn't have to truly repent to the cross as a helpless sinner by faith to be regenerated, thus deluding yourself by "will worship" (Col. 2.23) assuming you were irresistibly selected. You like inserting into the text that doesn't explicitly say what you want it to say. It gets you off! It's all in your head not your spirit. You like this what you treat as a loophole to get around God for this other way you have created in your selfish image, reflecting how you conduct yourself in the world.

For free will to be truly free you must be allowed to have this choice to be delusional.