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View Full Version : The Shallow Mindedness of Matt Slick

06-28-2011, 04:41 AM
Matt Slick,

I watched your video about dominoes and the first cause. The reason your first cause argument is lacking is because you assume a first cause from dominoes rather than trying to prove why there must be a first cause. Hence, your words are very dissatisfying. Similarly, your assumption God exists is also unsatisfying because you don't supply evidence for the uncreated Creator but just assume God is. This similar problem in your thought processes is exhibited in your false teaching of Calvinism because there are no verses in the Bible to substantiate it. You just assume it because that is how you were taught. Every verse you try to apply to Calvinism shows you have to insert into the text that which is not explicitly stated. It takes humility to read the Bible without inserting.

Try this approach. Simply by observing nature we can sense we have free will. Though sinners, man can yet do good things like help an old lady across the street. Similarly, by the grace of God a person can receive the ransom His son paid on the cross, whosoever is willing, since God provides sufficient grace to all. As Romans 1.20 says we are without excuse. This is only possible if God has provided us with the sufficient grace to have the choice.

The approach the Bible takes in Romans 1.20 is to prove the uncreated Creator by showing infinite regress and something from nothing (non-existence) are impossible. What do we find in nature? Nature has trillions and trillions of cause and effects and no hard evidence of something from nothing, so this is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt our universe requires a cause from something. You don't have to know all things to know if God exists, for only God could know all things. Nor do you need start off by assuming God exists as you do in your video on dominoes and the first cause.

If infinite regress were true, you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so. And that which doesn't exist can't cause anything. It doesn't exist. Nothing always leaves nothing from nothing. Therefore, nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, and this is whom we call God the uncreated Creator. It is a very simple and elegant proof we all intuitively know though some may have suppressed it.

Next time supply evidence rather than talk in roundabout ways with your unending double talk. Communicating spiritual truths must be done with spiritual means (1 Cor. 2.13), otherwise one's efforts are of no effect. It's amazing, frankly, you don't think these things through more deeply, but that is the nature of being a Calvinist permeating your whole life into shallow thinking and passivity. This is what Satan aims for through Calvinism to cause you to be a dullard. How evil you would be if you acted the way your god does. Man commits negligent homicide by leaving one child playing in quicksand and pulling out the other. God expects you to do all you can to help both children. Shame on you.
