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View Full Version : Joel Osteen is Not a Christian

10-04-2011, 10:41 PM
On Piers Morgan, Joel Osteen was asked about abortion and capital punishment. He said he is not sure about capital punishment but is against abortion. How can you be for life and then against life? What Christian is not sure if capital abortion is wrong? Piers Morgan is not a Christian because he said the Bible is not adequate for modern life just like Barack Hussein Obama said. God's word is not adequate for modern life? When asked about Mormonism, Joel said he wasn't sure what he disagrees with Mormonism about and that as long as a Mormon says he believes in Christ then he is saved. What about false Christs Jesus warned us about? Joel said he would be willing to vote for a Mormon or a Muslim to be president. Joel Osteen is not a Christian. Ye shall know them by their fruits.