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03-09-2012, 02:45 PM
i would like to ask a question for the forum to really consider please.

THE christian system has been on earth for approx 2000yrs. why has it never reproduced one person in the same likeness as the Saviour in deeds or in Ministry.
consider this - If the church system was a ''product for sale'' on a supermarket shelf - it would be withdrawn from sale as a ''product that did not meet the true standard'' of the Messiah's divine ministry of healing the sick, binding up the broken hearted and raising the dead.

do you feel something is very wrong about the 'christian church' and its whole method of preaching?
could it be a hoax and counterfeit as it has NO power of divine Life abundant as per John 10 v 10.

03-11-2012, 01:03 AM
The church problems are given in Rev. 2 & 3 exactly what has occured the past twenty centuries. We are now living in the Laodicean church period. Locality has been lost for denominationalism, but that just reflects the "differing opinions" that mark this last church period. The Tribulation is 2015-22.

Stop trying to find a secret answer or think there needs to be one. There is none. First rapture is Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 at the start of the first trumpet according to readiness (Matt. 24.40-42, Luke 21.36, Rev. 3.10), and the last trumpet rapture and resurrection is at the start of the 7th trumpet then ensues 24 months before Jesus returns on Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022.

03-11-2012, 05:02 PM
no there is NO secret answers churchwork- IT IS IN PLAIN SIGHT - the christian church system is totally flawed and fully corrupted.
that is why the church pews perish when the Gospel came to abolish death.

03-11-2012, 05:39 PM
heated topics....the fault lies in 'denominationalism''
an apostate system full of death and full of faults. - hence ''topics become heated''

life in the spirit is different - for life in the spirit ceases to be denominations.
NO denomination rules in LIFE IN THE SPIRIT - that is seen when Yeshua never went to learn from the scribes, nor the doctors of the law nor elders or pharisees. THEY FOLLOWED HIM - HOPING TO TRAP HIM AND PLOTTING to kill Him 11 times.

the same happens today - all denominations have a ''different gospel'' worshipping a very difference Jesus - so none reproduce anyone as an Image of Christ in deed or ministry.

THE SPIRIT OF LAW AND DEATH remains Lord of ''gory'' - the mass slaughter of millions who still die in sin. No one says STOP SINNING....ofcourse not -

but life in the Spirit does not have ''heated topics'' for those who dwell in the Spirit live in harmony and peace - the same Peace the Prince of Peace bequeathed to His church.
2 churches exist on earth - denominationalism - and His Ekklesia.
Yeshua doesn't agree with the denominations - Rev 3 - they make HIM sick.

03-12-2012, 12:38 AM
The Christian church system is just fine - it is called biblocality. The problem lies in those who don't practice it.

03-12-2012, 01:01 AM
Biblocality is the ideal laid out in Scripture. Not doing this is falling short of God's way of organizing the church.

03-12-2012, 06:13 AM
2000yrs is a huge 'lot of time for the practice run ' churchwork.....

03-12-2012, 06:15 AM
ummm...the law of the spirit of life - is what Messiah preached.
all else is peripherals.

03-12-2012, 03:07 PM
The law of the spirit of life properly organizes the Church identified as biblocality.

03-12-2012, 03:09 PM
This is as good as it gets till Jesus returns 2022.

03-12-2012, 05:14 PM
no Churchwork - u are viewing the apostate counterfeit.
the Man ruled sickening system called 'christian' that exists side by side with the Ekklesia that Messiah is building.
a royal priesthood, of imperishble believers. an undying priesthood like their undying King.
the Order of Melchidezek

03-12-2012, 05:22 PM
show me one - as a goodwill gesture,
does this place reproduce the image of Christ in its pews?
meaning in mission, wisdom and deeds. -

03-12-2012, 08:34 PM
show me one - as a goodwill gesture,
does this place reproduce the image of Christ in its pews?
meaning in mission, wisdom and deeds. -


Just imagine someone doing this today. How would you feel? I mean, really? Don't trick your mind by saying, "If Jesus came today, I would accept Him."
Jesus looked like the average Joe.
He didn't look like a God
If Joe came over and said, "I am the light of the world; come and follow me; I am God". What would

you think?
Would you respond as the Jews responded?

would you run over to the preacher in the synagogue and say, "This man claims to be the light of the world, is that true?

he says that He is God".
What do you suppose your minister would answer? Would he say, "Yes, He is God; now go right over and follow Him"? I think the answer is quite obvious. Jesus would be treated today precisely as He was treated 2,000 years ago. The fact is He might be treated more poorly than He was treated when He first came to us.

03-13-2012, 03:32 AM
The Royal Priesthood is Christian. The Bible uses the term Christian, first called Christians at Antioch. Your hostility towards the Church is not Christian. The Church is according to locality and there is nothing you can do to stop that. It's God's perfect design and pearl of great price. Once you find it, you never want to let it go.

But you are not even born-again because you admit in your profile you have a salvation that is not necessarily secure once saved always saved. This shows you don't have the Holy Spirit in you, eternal life, and your spirit has not been regenerated. You're still an unregenerate and your spirit dead to God.

03-13-2012, 03:35 AM
You're babbling. When Jesus returns we will all know it.

I recommend instead of trying to discern the Church with your carnal mind, first give your life to Christ, to the Jesus who says those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). You know of no such life.

03-13-2012, 01:04 PM
I have NO hostility towards Believers and the Ekklesia of living stones Churchwork - but i do for an apostate counterfeit posing as christian by hoaxing and robbing others in the guise of a''christian'' church but are infact peddlers of Big business Inc. and a cash cow for pimps in the pulpit.

as for being born again I have enough wisdom to notice you pose as an 'apostle' yet your forum has No posters anymore.
how strange is this for 'apostle' to run out of converts and fellowship.

as you started this forum and people fellowshipped upon it even in a small way - now they have moved on -dare i point out - NOT MUCH OF AN APOSTLE -as a man WHO has been so unloving and uncaring for his 'sheep'.

could it be you called yourself an apostle and remained unanointed and unappointed for the love need was not found in you?
ummm something for u to ponder churchwork - as it is good to see yourself as others see you.......
not a nice picture i assure you.

03-14-2012, 03:57 AM
You're not even a Christian to have any say in the body of Christ because you are a non-OSASer. Why must a forum be active? You're just showing your hostility because you know that I know you refuse to give your life to the Jesus who keeps, for you believe you can lose salvation. Eternal life is not really necessarily eternal with you. As for Apostles they don't have to fit your box cutter profile which is too constricting and unloving. The body of Christ is flexible. What is important is the message of biblocality is preserved here by Apostles. Furthermore, how could you ever accept the Apostles if you are not even born-again? You seem jealous of us because you are not an Apostle let alone even a child of God.

03-14-2012, 02:24 PM
well that is true i am NOT ''YOUR'' TYPE OF accepted christian I GAVE IT UP TO TELL THE TRUTH - WHY?
it did not reproduce any person in the Image of Christ in deeds nor ministry - if it was a product on a supermarket shelf it would be banned for ''false advertising'' being totally unable to produce results according to the fine print.
why? after all if it was the truth and not a hybrid mixture of man made theories thousands of Messiah types should be walking planet earth after 2000yrs of bible study and preaching.
i mean after all when we go to school we do graduate into become an expert on our particular studies - but alas NO experts in the divine life - thats for sure.
o what a mess.
mind you churchwork - even jesus threw up at the man ruled Laodiceans - so why cannot i?
after all He said they were WRETCHED AND NAKED AND BLIND.

again '' he is standing at the door '' so dare i ask WHO IS INSIDE preaching....
ummmm now that is a ? hey
after all u know what Messiah did to the money changers hey? Big business and Gospel corruption are a curse.
o I have given my life to MY Saviour - and BTW his Ekklesia IS NOT FLEXABLE at all that is a lie from the pit of hell - the Ekklesia is HIS WORKMANSHIP NOT MADE WITH HANDS - an army of Believers trained in DISCIPLINE of a DISCIPLE.

are u putting yourself up as an ''anointed Apostle'' ?
how can this be so? when you belong to the laodicean church that makes Messiah sick?
those halls of shame that the world looks at and says ''hypocrites''.

03-14-2012, 02:56 PM
sometimes it is good to step outside the ''big business churchy'' concepts most pews consider as their truth and actually SEE THE TRUTH....

a site that exposes satan's false apostates.

Brainwashing of Humans is Easy and Very EffectiveChurch members come to accept the policies, practices, and teachings in their church as they drift into bondage from the brainwashing techniques used by church officials. This indoctrination is so effective that the member later denies he has been brainwashed. People who have been brainwashed never know it themselves. Humans can easily be taught to believe something that can easily be proven to be absolutely false. Brainwashing can extend to groups of people without a limit in size or scope. Millions of people were brainwashed to believe Communism was the best economic system until the truth was exposed by the fall of the Soviet Union. Cults and false religions have used these techniques with great success for centuries, and Christian churches frequently resort to the same methods. Parents of brainwashed children have engaged reprogramming experts in an attempt to rescue their children from a cult or false religion. Rescue becomes extremely difficult when the oppressed is an adult who is protected by law from outside rescuers. Many parents grew up in Christian churches that used mind control techniques, and they raise their children to receive the same indoctrination generation after generation. They live their entire lives not coming to the knowledge that they have been brainwashed.

03-14-2012, 08:57 PM
You are apostate because you believe in a works based salvation like the Roman Church provides since you claim you can lose salvation.

03-14-2012, 09:01 PM
You sound jealous God directly commissioned me to be an Apostle.

The reason you are going to Hell is because you are not born-again. You're not born-again because you believe in a works based salvation just as the Roman Church teaches since you claim you can lose salvation.

03-14-2012, 09:56 PM
what '''''''God''''' was this that made u his 'apostle'?
wow - I certainly dont wish to worship him thats for sure.

ofcourse there are many gods churchwork - which church brand name of DISUNITY do u claim to apostle-ise?
I guess it is pick one out of the 33,000 demonations -opps denominations.


no - I am happy to Leave my salvation in My Saviour's very capable hands as His workmanship.
His Believers in His Ekklesia are a far different breed called Overcomers - than the sickening crew of the Laodicean masses.
well when I say sickening crew - that is Messiah's own words and after all FATHER KNOWS BEST.

So how do u ''apostle-ise'' your forum when the posters have dumped you -seems around last november.
what did u do on them churchwork?
like was it the case of ''its My way or the Highway'' = so they went on the highway and dumped u - was it because you gave the date of Messiah's return via your version and theory?.
ummm -


that is always a fatal move ,churchwork - why?
too many have gone before you - religious bible thumpers who got THE DATE wrong.
actually made a laughing stock of themselves so they did.

o churchwork - yes indeed u r a 'true church worker' no doubts about that- it screams out from your comments - but alas without any apostolic pews to control.

I guess this makes for one very frustrated man.
well i do hope u are not over 40yrs old and unmarried churchwork, but young and fit - because religious frustrations can drive a man into sickness.

03-15-2012, 12:24 AM
You sound jealous God directly commissioned me to be an Apostle.

The reason you are going to Hell is because you are not born-again. You're not born-again because you believe in a works based salvation just as the Roman Church teaches since you claim you can lose salvation.

opps silly me.....
i forgot to add so here is a PS for you churchwork.

i dont know if u ever noticed but in the Ekklesia [ thats not the christian church u know ] IN the Ekklesia - the believers are not called ''apostles, elders, decons, etcs''
they are called a PECULIAR PEOPLE - A ROYAL HOUSEHOLD OF KINGS AND PRIESTS unto their God - Yeshua the High Priest in the Order of Melchedizek - the Order of imperishable life - ofcourse this type of life one never dies - no it has NO death in it for all physical death has been overcome as the last enemy.
His disciples know this ofcourse and gain the victory of Christ the hope of Glory,

Ofcourse death was abolished by the Gospel and in its place the gift of eternal life given to all His Ekklesia Overcomers - after all they are His workmanship and He assures them, none shall perish [ its an awefull word = perish]

ofcourse being in the Laodicea yourself i suppose anyone can call themselves an 'apostle' but to no advantage at all.
well Messiah is OUTSIDE THE DOOR KNOCKING - so who is inside preaching?
why it is the pimps in the pulpits. The robbers and cheaters and false teachers.

but it is a worry really it is - as the pews think they are 'saved' but from what exactly - saved from what?
well no one seems to know.
hell i think - they even write books '' i have been to hell and survived''
can u believe it.
then they write '' i have been to heaven and survived it'' hey - but no none gets really very descriptive about it.....
like they dont write pages ans pages of what Jesus looks like or what God said to them etc...
it seems all so hazy.
oh well a sucker is born every minute so some say.

The sad fact is none are saved really saved -so have NO idea of true bible SALVATION - meaning - TO OVERCOME THE LAST ENEMY DEATH AND FOR all sin to cease. or -to overcome satan so he has NO hold upon you.

after all churchwork SINS KILLS - and the pews die like flies - drop over dead all the time = sin a killer for sure.
now do you think My Saviour would give out burial services like the laodicean Pastors and reverends etc do?
help dig the graves and sprinkle rose petals on their coffins?

would the Messiah be Ministering to funeral services?
also would He be into building hospitals for the sick?

ummm just a few thoughts churchworks and a lttle something to think about.
BTW - the denominational salvation and 'going to hell' is a real churchy fear tactic''.....
they have NO salvation for they all die in sin NOT
--------------------------------------------------------DIE TO SIN.
there is a difference DIE IN SIN or DIE TO SIN.

hehehe oh churchwork u have so much to unlearn and i can honestly admit i am not jealous of your god nor apostleship.
sorry about that - i do feel u need to go back to the drawing board and be delivered from church traditions and rituals and pomp and all their other nasties.

03-15-2012, 12:58 AM
i have to show u MY SAVIOUR AND HOW HE delivers His Ekklesia - i hope u do see the difference churchwork of your Laodicea carnal denominations all in disunity and disharmony,
i do hope you repent from your stiff necked religion.

Fear nothing, says The Lord for I am with you and will defend you from every assault against you. Those that take counsel against you will not prevail, for I have you in a place where nothing can harm you. Yes, they will say things to you, and about you, as they did with me, and you will be mocked. But I have placed My soul within you and you will not feel the pains as you did in your old Adamic nature. Some of you have gone through emotional warfares and wondered how you have survived, but I have been watching you for all of your life, and My protective hand has held you. Yes I allowed things to happen because I am your Loving Father, But I tell you that you hear only My voice now. The words of jealous and angry people will be as another language to you, and will have no effect on you. Some of you have wrongly thought that because of your calling you have had to accept the attacks against your soul with love and understanding. I laugh at them and so should you. They are My problem not yours. Begin to walk higher in the calling that I have bestowed upon you and ignore them.As you have seen My Nature and Soul says The Lord, so shall you be. See My fullness in your lives and drink of all that I give you. As I was victorious and conquered death, receiving the Glory from The Father, so I am your deliverance from all the natural, humanistic problems and trials and the inherited death of Adam. I know that you have trials, burdens, hurts, rejection and isolation. You weep tears through soft and gentle souls. This is why you will serve Me, for I found your hearts like David’s. Let your hearts relate only to Me and one another. You will be My beloved Sons when I birth My Kingdom on the earth. You are being transformed into My Glorious Divine Nature, and the day is coming where men shall see this in your faces as you reflect Me. Let your sure knowledge of this give you joy and strength for in this is My Help. Live in this every moment and you will not even hear the words of those who would seek to destroy you. My Glory shall go with you until you appear bearing it in all My risen immortal power and victory which is yours My Sons.I am the Lifter Of Your Heads My Sons. Your eyes will behold My Face and the things of earth will no longer be in your vision. I call you to LOOK UP, and as you do I will carry you away to where I am, and your soul will be protected. A realm where all you hear is Truth, Goodness, Encouragement and Love. The praises will proceed forth from you and your soul will be strengthened in the Song of Zion. Some of you keep your heads bowed down in the circumstances of life. This is stopping your peace and joy and praise. The circumstances may not change, but you can. But you must allow Me to lift your head to where your eyes behold Me for I am your Deliverer and Defender and your place of rest. As I had a scapegoat for Abraham when he lifted his eyes, so I have for you. There is a way of escape for you from those things that weigh you down, but you must fix your eyes on me. Allow Me to Lift up Your Head and you will be free”.

ministry of

03-15-2012, 03:27 AM
The reason you are not born-again is because you refuse to repent and believe in the Jesus who keeps, for those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). Obviously you are not born-again because you say a person who is saved could lose eternal life. This is a false salvation common to most religions because it is a self-strength or works based salvation that you can of your own might lose salvation or work to attain it. That would be a weird kind of salvation if you could get saved, lose it, get it back, only to lose it again. God simply won't save you to begin with. Thus as you are now you will certainly go to Hell. Your choice.

03-15-2012, 02:20 PM
well churchwork - look at it this way and from the perspective of the NT...

your 'salvation' and my 'salvation' at 2 very different things.

*yours is based upon traditional church apostate system and mine is based upon NT facts.
[your 'salvation' is based ' i am saved but i still die and when i die i go to heaven']
THAT is not biblical salvation u see,
================================================== =======

SALVATION IS A REALM not of this world THAT MESSIAH WALKED IN - IT IS THE KINGDOM REALM WHERE SATAN HAD NO HOLD UPON HIM. This world had NO hold upon HIM nor did His flesh - HE WAS FREE from the stranglehold of vanity.
MESSIAH WAS FREE = FROM TAINTED way of the Adamic natures.

He came to show men how to live as He did - He said ''those who keep MY Sayings. shall never die''.
now - why do the pews die?
because the false churches are counterfeit churches - and have NO salvation even when they believe they have, for they die - sin kills them. why?
THEY DONT KEEP THE SAYINGS OF THE SAVIOUR - so despite all their rhetoric they die in sin.
THE COUNTERFEIT - is a sining bin of unsaved of which you are a product.
you see churchwork - your 'god' may well have called you to be an 'apostle' in your own mind - but you have NO flock they have all run away.
Now I am not an apostle but I am a Believer who is a member of His Ekklesia - a person who dies to their own lordship and obeys His sayings.
Hence like Nicodemus I am born again into His eternal life.
I am not a churched person - I despise thecruel unsavory vile system that robs and cheats others - a loveless system ruled over by pimps who peddle the gospel to live in luxury themselves. A system that never once produced a man woman or child in the same likeness as the Saviour in acts or Ministry - it is a failure, a scam, and a hybrid mixture of 1/2 truth.

explain to me why u would placed myself in their hands - the hands of the devil where people die in sins daily - rather than Be a member of His Ekklesia - to become His workmanship.

you need to personally rethink your attitude as it is one of 'acid' and 'unpleasantness' towards others - that is how I KNOW YOU are far from salvation.

there is another church - a hidden one of His sons and daughters

The Lord has scattered the Seeds of Election across the world and as it were these seeds took root in the hearts of those who would hear. In whose hearts was a burning for His presence and His Glory and these did He gather and bring as one into His secret place where they will stay until formed into His perfect Image. They shall come forth from the womb of His church the womb of Jacob and they shall inherit not as from the death of a testator but from the very Immortal Life of the Great I Am who speaks to you now. This many membered company of seeds will come forth as one body of the Elect of The Lord and appear in an awesome display of the Hand of the Lord who is forming them at the seat of His Mercy and Glory and many shall fear as they see the Voice of the Lord. This seed will be the ensign of the Lion of Judah and shall be planted on His High Mountain to signify that this is the Day of The Lord and His will shall be done on this earth as it is in the Heavenly realms. This time He shall again appear in a people and as one reads the will of a testator so shall the Lord declare from His Heavens, “These are My Sons prepared for the Restoration of all Things Unto Me, hear them”. Mention of them is hidden throughout the Bible but they have not been seen. Israel of old and the church today have looked for the satisfaction of temporal and personal needs and building the temples of Nimrod and in so doing have missed the bigger purposes of God. The terrors that plague the earth today from the hearts of evil men and satanically controlled false religions will not be defeated in the church day. The earth travails waiting the revealing of the Sons of God and they shall come forth from the womb of the dawning of the morning of the day of Jesus exaltation. The Rider of the White Horse shall lead His army as they disperse into the earth with authority and Word which shall bring the healing of the nations. The scourge of the hatred of evil religions will be cleansed heralding the Salvation of the Lord as their false gods are exposed and their weapons will be turned into plough shears. The Lord would say to His church which is labouring with words and exhortations of good intention that these evils will only cease when satan himself is bound and this is laid down for the Kingdom Day of Jesus when the followers of the Rider of the White Horse shall condemn him to the chains of darkness for one thousand years. Many in the church are following world events and searching for reasons and solutions as their hearts fear for their lives. The Lord says to you to rather see that you are pregnant with His seed. Pray for the birth of His Elect. You have not known that you are with seed, and as when a mother discovers this and turns her attention to the coming birth so do the same. Turn your prayers to His Appearing and the birth of His Elect for surely it shall come. You can embrace this exhortation or receive it in Truth”. ALL GLORY TO JESUS LARRY WILSON

03-17-2012, 04:19 AM
John 10.28 says those who are born-again "they shall never perish" but you say some will. Since you believe this same false teaching of the Roman Church you will perish with them for you think you can saved by works, but the Bible says none are saved by works lest anyone should boast.

You prove by the word of God you are going to Hell. How sad for you.

04-06-2012, 04:07 AM
who made u an apostle Churchwork?
did u just tag yourself''apostle'' to prop up your adamic ego matey?
kinda to strut around all important....

like do u have this title on your ''letter head''

troy the local apostle...?

now - can u explain ''how ye shall never perish'' when you are fully prepared to die and ''go to heaven and not hell you hope''
the reason why humans die is because of sin - sin is the carnal mind of death - this mind kills.

so now i ask

04-06-2012, 11:59 AM
who made u an apostle Churchwork?
God directly commissioned me to be an Apostle. Naturally you are hostile to the Apostles as you are hostile to Christ.

troy the local apostle...?
Apostles are not local workers. Elders are local workers. Apostles work regionally to appoint Elders of a locality.

now - can u explain ''how ye shall never perish'' when you are fully prepared to die and ''go to heaven and not hell you hope'' the reason why humans die is because of sin - sin is the carnal mind of death - this mind kills.

I don't hope but I know I can't go to Hell, because once-saved-always-saved. Those who are born-again "they shall never perish." You don't trust the word of God. You worship a false Christ of initial salvation by works. That a person who is in Christ shall never perish doesn't mean they don't die physically, but rather, they could never be eternally separated from God. God chose His elect before the foundations of the world, because He could foresee their free choice. Amen.

You believe in salvation by works in your profile I see because you are non-OSASer, but the Bible is clear salvation is not by works lest any man should boast. What pride you have!

It takes great pride in one's self to believe in salvation by works that you can gain or lose salvation by your own strength and efforts. God is infinitely greater than you. No amount of works could sustain initial salvation or grant it to you.

My prayers go out to you that one day you give your life to Christ. Amen.

04-06-2012, 03:49 PM
i already have Troy, many years ago - so your'e prayers are not necessary.

I also gave up the divisional church scene many years ago for Christ is not within it.

I also prospered after i left these ''halls of shame'' who put the NAME OF THE SAVIOUR but not the fruit of the Saviour- as i realised it was He who built His church not man.

It was a blessing to be released from the counterfeit, a system of religious man - a powerless religion that shames the Gospel and makes the pews hypocrites.

Troy - i dont worship your god for your god is a loveless silly little god - made to look unkind and basically stupid to the unsaved.
why is this so?
because man made religion has a man made god who looks like you Troy.
Yes Troy, you are a ''churchwork'' - but u see YOUR'E SUPPOSED TO BE HIS WORKMANSHIP.
yes, YOU WELL MAY HAVE GIVEN YOURSELF a church work 'apostle' title - but alas your'e not a true disciple of the living God Yeshua.

I would not wish to serve your god or a god who chooses you as His apostle Troy - to me it would be hell to have u teach me anything let alone your teaching upon the Kingdom of Heaven.
you see Troy - to preach the Gospel FIRST YOU MUST have His Kingdom living inside of you - see troy this is why this apostate church system has failed - it cannot reproduce Christ in anyone FOR CHRIST IS NOT IN ITS TEACHERS.
SEE the law of cause and effect swing in and under this 2000yrs old church system, not 1 person has been converted into the SAME IMAGE AS YESHUA. not 1.
the church system can only make powerless church men - workers of religion - hirelings for money - money changers - cash cows and all manner of corrupt teaching of 1/2 truths and downright lies...yes indeed Troy your'e an ''apostle of lies'' thinking your'e doing yourself a favour, yet, under a harsher judgment than other religious men.
i look at your posts and see such a loveless clueless man.
you see troy... I will show you the true church.
the living church of the Saviour is called THE MOTHER, THE WIFE, THE BRIDE.
YET the satanic church is full of ''hims''.
infact troy, even their songs are called ''hymns''.
now i do know u are too far gone to understand what i have written - but IF THE DAWN should ever break over you maybe u will ''get it''.

04-06-2012, 04:02 PM

I reject your god in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit because the Bible says we are not saved by works lest any man should boast. It really is that simple for me. We are saved by faith.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2.8-9).

You sure are trying hard to rationalize your false faith. No amount of work could make up the gap between an infinitely great God and a sinner to get saved or be kept saved. God knows this that's why He gave His only begotten Son. To bad you don't accept who He says He is and what He requires of you, thus, you are going to Hell, having eternally separated yourself from the love of God and God Himself.

Since you reject Jesus for your false Christ naturally you reject His apostles His directly chose to set up the churches. At least your a consistent in your hostility.

It is really is quite sad you don't want to give your life to the Jesus who keeps who lets no one pluck His own out of His hand. What you prefer is a Jesus with an "out-clause"--an option to leave the marriage if you don't feel like you are really into it after awhile. The real Jesus and His Father won't save you to begin with with that kind of attitude. This shows you were never born-again, never saved, never given eternal life. Up to now you have just been living a lie. You're delusional.

Self-exaltation is at the core of your problem. Humility is not what you want to enter into repentantly the faith of a Christian to let go completely and place your trust in the Lord and Savior. You're too scared to let go of control of self.

04-07-2012, 03:32 PM

I reject your god in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit because the Bible says we are not saved by works lest any man should boast. It really is that simple for me. We are saved by faith.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2.8-9).

You sure are trying hard to rationalize your false faith. No amount of work could make up the gap between an infinitely great God and a sinner to get saved or be kept saved. God knows this that's why He gave His only begotten Son. To bad you don't accept who He says He is and what He requires of you, thus, you are going to Hell, having eternally separated yourself from the love of God and God Himself.

Since you reject Jesus for your false Christ naturally you reject His apostles His directly chose to set up the churches. At least your a consistent in your hostility.

It is really is quite sad you don't want to give your life to the Jesus who keeps who lets no one pluck His own out of His hand. What you prefer is a Jesus with an "out-clause"--an option to leave the marriage if you don't feel like you are really into it after awhile. The real Jesus and His Father won't save you to begin with with that kind of attitude. This shows you were never born-again, never saved, never given eternal life. Up to now you have just been living a lie. You're delusional.

Self-exaltation is at the core of your problem. Humility is not what you want to enter into repentantly the faith of a Christian to let go completely and place your trust in the Lord and Savior. You're too scared to let go of control of self.

ofcourse churchwork you would reject my god - FOR 2000yrs this counterfeit calling itself ''christian'' has rejected the sayings of jesus.
churchwork - your'e in a COUNTERFEIT system - ruled by satan AND DONT know it.
yes, you do quote the bible
yes, you do study the bible
but NO you dont understand it for the church system only has a FORM OF GODLINESS but not the real thing.

have u ever considered Churchwork - u r a work of this system - a self satisified rabble of rebels who cannot even agree with each other as they are a HOUSE DIVIDED - and we know a HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND.
Yeshua did not come to start a religion but to begin a relationship with a small remnant called 'heirs of salvation'' who HE PURCHASED FOR HIMSELF - born of His spirit and washed in His blood.
In this small group are many from all nations - witnesses of His eternal life.
notice Chruchwork the NT said ''few find eternal life'' - so what do the majority find - a counterfeit system posing as christlike yet bearing the fruit of slaves to the law of sin and death.
The pimps are in the pulpit
those pop-artists theologists and their man made lordship over the ignorant masses.....
you have been conned Churchwork and a slave to sin - hence u die.
the pews die daily.

churchwork - if Yeshua was their church Pastor - would HE BE IN CHARGE OF THEIR FUNERAL SERVICES?
the hirelings, the pimps, have NO power - they are powerless as the pews are powerless and none ever attain to the image of Christ.
all that stupid wasted effort, posing as a 'christian' person when ''christlikeness'' is far from them.

yes indeed Chruchwork - I DONT WANT YOUR GOD - he is far to febble for me to worship.

why not walk away from your rebellious church creed and into THE TRUE LIFE OF THE SAVIOUR.
why not study to be approved.

why not cast off the brainwashing of satan'S CHURCH and his oppressive religion and come out and join THE LIFE OF CHRIST.
The Prisoners Of Hope”.
[those who keep My sayings shall never see death'']

“Your circumstances are but for a short time.
They will turn around and you shall receive the double portion blessing.
Your prison is not a pit but a high place in the Potter’s workshop. You have a Hope birthed within.
Draw on this for it is your strength. This Hope is from The Lord for you to hang on to. It is not a “maybe”, but the Hope of Truth and strength which carried Jesus to the cross with great joy in the Glory which would follow and His restoration to Life Immortal. This is your Hope; let it be your stronghold, for surely you will prevail”.



04-07-2012, 03:58 PM
You reject the God who keeps His elect, those who are born-again, whom He shall never let perish. That's why you are going to Hell.

04-07-2012, 04:27 PM
You reject the God who keeps His elect, those who are born-again, whom He shall never let perish. That's why you are going to Hell.

no, you are called 'churchwork'' - after a counterfeit system.
it fails to reproduce CHRIST in its people.
2000yrs has passed and NOT 1 person has attained to the image of Christ.

why not?
it is an utter failure for the Messiah is not there - satan is as a counterfeit and u have been deceived.

''for u loved not the truth to be saved''.

again i ask
churchwork - right there is THE TRUTH and the PROOF - the system of hirelings your'e in is an apostate corruption.
you are a part of this team.
have you noticed churchwork you actually cannot receive the truth for your actually dont answer the main questions- you ramble on as if your'e blinded and bewitched and totally loveless.
like a shell without dignity or feeling.

this is how u present yourself to this forum - is it any wonder ye have NO sheep to feed.
why did they all go about Nov 2011?

did u ban them all?

why on earth do u think your'e THE ELECT?
what a terrible thought - to have someone like you rule over others - without mercy, love nor compassion.

you need to walk away from that failure
you need to exit fast from that great harlot
you need to move your butt out from satan's lordship

because at this moment u r a real puker.

04-07-2012, 05:47 PM
no, you are called 'churchwork'' - after a counterfeit system.
it fails to reproduce CHRIST in its people.
2000yrs has passed and NOT 1 person has attained to the image of Christ.

why not?
it is an utter failure for the Messiah is not there - satan is as a counterfeit and u have been deceived.

''for u loved not the truth to be saved''.

again i ask
churchwork - right there is THE TRUTH and the PROOF - the system of hirelings your'e in is an apostate corruption.
you are a part of this team.
have you noticed churchwork you actually cannot receive the truth for your actually dont answer the main questions- you ramble on as if your'e blinded and bewitched and totally loveless.
like a shell without dignity or feeling.

this is how u present yourself to this forum - is it any wonder ye have NO sheep to feed.
why did they all go about Nov 2011?

did u ban them all?

why on earth do u think your'e THE ELECT?
what a terrible thought - to have someone like you rule over others - without mercy, love nor compassion.

you need to walk away from that failure
you need to exit fast from that great harlot
you need to move your butt out from satan's lordship

because at this moment u r a real puker.

however there is hope = Father , Abba [thats the name my Saviour called His Father] only needs a small crack to begin His work in the apostate ''churchians''.

therefore churchwork you have to reconsider your apostate plight - ask to be born again FROM ABOVE not from your creed belief nor church memberships nor any other belief u now have. YOU NEED TO ENTER INTO THE REST OF THE 4TH DIMENSION and be made available for Christ [the powerfully force] to dwell within you.

therefore u have to ask this ?
why hasnt your man ruled over church stystem ever produced any person in the likeness of Christ - now answer this - and it will be your first step out from the religious cash cow, paid hirelings and pop theologists and their religious quackery.
BTW it is a very hard thing to admit your'e been duped.

perhaps it is time for you troy to grow up and cut the slack from a man made up church belief and come out from satanic deception - your religion is a hoax of 1/2 truth and lies and all die in sin who enter into such a catastropic belief.

04-07-2012, 09:42 PM
You reject the God who keeps His elect, those who are born-again, whom He shall never let perish. That's why you are going to Hell.

04-07-2012, 11:52 PM
however there is hope = Father , Abba [thats the name my Saviour called His Father] only needs a small crack to begin His work in the apostate ''churchians''.

therefore churchwork you have to reconsider your apostate plight - ask to be born again FROM ABOVE not from your creed belief nor church memberships nor any other belief u now have. YOU NEED TO ENTER INTO THE REST OF THE 4TH DIMENSION and be made available for Christ [the powerfully force] to dwell within you.

therefore u have to ask this ?
why hasnt your man ruled over church stystem ever produced any person in the likeness of Christ - now answer this - and it will be your first step out from the religious cash cow, paid hirelings and pop theologists and their religious quackery.
BTW it is a very hard thing to admit your'e been duped.

perhaps it is time for you troy to grow up and cut the slack from a man made up church belief and come out from satanic deception - your religion is a hoax of 1/2 truth and lies and all die in sin who enter into such a catastropic belief.

i see troy u cannot answer the ?
why has your churchwork and church system FAILED TO REPRODUCE CHRIST in its pews?

i see your'e only really capable of reproducing platitudes.... as senseless rhetoric.... like all false apostles -
they have No answers.

04-08-2012, 01:22 AM
Realize you are not a Christian so your input is irrelevant, for the word of God is understood and discerned by the Holy Spirit which you do not have. The evil spirit resides in your innerman.

A Christian is someone who gives their life to the God who keeps and never lets go of those born-again. Whereas you claim your alleged salvation now you could lose tomorrow as you admit you are a non-OSASer. Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast.

04-08-2012, 02:19 AM
same old same old rehash Troy......
doing it your'e way has never once reproduced a saint let alone anyone in the Image of Christ,
there is your church
there is your aimless life
your'e not ''saved'' at all - it is only a religious delusion - for you will die - in sin troy for sin kills u,
the murderer from the beginning is abiding the right time for your demise - sin is a killer -
why not ask some questions?

#1 - why do i continue to sin? if the saviour of the world took away my sins
#2 - why is the law of sin and death still active in the church pews - when the Saviour ABOLISHED THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL?
#3 - why is the church system so powerless, and why do the masses call the pew people ''those ghastly hypocrites''?

THAT IS JUST 3 questions Troy you cannot answer and the fruit of your great harlotary = as an apostle to a Harlot.

you see Troy Jesus is NOT in your churchwork - no - He will not worship in any counterfeit dispite the pews ignorance and blindness- infact in His opinion Troy the 'apostle' without any credentials - He thinks the church of man's rule is miserable, naked and blinded - and as for hell - lovey your it a man obsessed with his church belief.
your not saved as in NT salvation - troy its just a great big satanic delusion as you live in a religious hoax.


so allow me to press you even further Troy.
if Jesus was your pastor, would he hold funeral services as all creeds do.

04-08-2012, 04:23 AM
well i am off now churchwork - shaking your dust off my feet - perhaps one day ye shall be free - who knows you may get lucky but as it now stands your doomed......the church has murdered you - sin kills off the pews....

04-08-2012, 02:21 PM
Again, the reason you are going to Hell is because you worship a false Christ who saves, takes away salvation, gives it then takes it away based on your own strength and works as taught in most religions. Christianity is different in that no man can save himself by his own prowess, and God never takes away salvation once a person is saved.

Since you don't want give your life to the God who keeps so that those who are born-again "they shall never perish" realize you are going to Hell and have decided to eternally separate yourself from God.

Self-exaltation is at the core of your false faith. Whereas Christians gave their lives to the God who keeps, for we know we can't keep ourselves saved.