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View Full Version : Hotel Rooms, Doublestandards and False Hope

05-18-2012, 10:35 PM
The Calvinist says man is dead in sin which to him means he can't respond to the gospel message unless irresistibly made to and others denied any opportunity to be saved.

But why is it that "none seek after God" must mean, therefore, irresistibly imposed regeneration? Why can't the opposite be true that God provides sufficient grace to all to have the free choice?

After all, God pleads with and implores sinners to believe in Him, died on the cross for the sins of the whole world and places a Bible in most hotel rooms so to me that seems like God is reaching out to people and urging them, thus, giving us the free choice.

The god of Calvinism can't do this what God can do, but God can do what the god of Calvinism can do. However, God chooses not to be like the god of Calvinism because it is unethical and below our own sense of right and wrong for it would be wrong for us to behave that way. How can God's standards be less than our own?

Besides, all those Bibles in all those hotel rooms would just be a meaningless charade if Calvinism were true since it is not to convince people by the Holy Spirit, but just some irresistible mechanism and false hope given to those who could never respond. Frankly, that is sadistic.

Praise the Lord for this discernment! Amen.