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View Full Version : CNCNZ.com is One of the Most Antichrist Gaming Fan Sites I Have Ever Encountered

06-16-2012, 06:40 PM
Re: ZeeHypnotist @ commandandconquer.com/forums [same person as] Zee Hypnotist @ CNCNZ.com (Moderator/Owner)

Original post at commandandconquer.com/forums but I wanted to save a copy here in case it is removed.

You posted at CNCNZ.com...our staff has pulled together to keep CNCNZ alive...[removed religious comments and personal information that tries to collate personal information on a Christian to track us]
Talk about off topic. Your attempt to keep a profile on me is obviously wrong, and it shows your hostility against Christians that you try to go to that length. I bet you can't wait for the implentation to track Christians with the mark of the beast implant to buy and sell. I bet that gets you real excited.

Here's the point you are missing. It is wrong to ban someone for being a Christian and when you hold a doublestandard allowing others to bring up religion (like you just did now out of nowhere) and then when the Christian responds you try to ban the Christian. Can't you see how evil you are?

Your don't have a conscience to see how unethical and wrong this is because your don't have a conscience in Christ, for you will continue to sin the same sin and segregate Christians out as has been done in the past. But now you don't necessarily try to kill us but have us censored in all kinds of ways. As the Bible says we shall know you by your fruit.

My petition to readers here is that everyone avoid CNCNZ.com for being so antichrist. I've never seen a gaming site so antichrist. Should we stand by and continue to do nothing? Let's stand up and do what is right. This would be the right thing to do. Now I will leave it in your hands, to all the readers of this post, to decide for yourself if you want to support a site that is antichrist, so hostile to God of the Bible, so hateful of Jesus and calls Him a liar. The choice is yours. Just know there is a judgment coming and whom you affiliate with you will be judged with in their lies. This is why I avoid CNCNZ at all costs and so should you if you want to do God's will.

And don't act like you're better than everyone.
This is one of those obnoxious kind of comments when it is in fact ZeeHypnotist who is claiming he is better than anyone, all in the same breath, while calling Jesus a liar. He exalts himself. Talk about delusion. Since God is proven to exist and Jesus is proven to be God, to reject Jesus as your Lord and Savior is totally asinine. It places you on a pedestal and not our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You exalt yourself above the Lord. And this is the deadly spirit that pervades CNCNZ.com which is why I avoid them with a ten foot pole because I know God's judgment is coming upon its adherents for being antichrist. You could not even run a website if it wasn't for Chist allowing you to do so, for nothing exists that exists without Him having created it.

Pray on this as I pray for your understanding. And also, are Christians better than non-Christians? Of course we are because we are not going to Hell with you, for we love Jesus, and if you don't love Jesus, who He is God the Son who resurrected the 3rd day then surely you belong in that eternal prison called Hell just like we have to lock up people in prison for life. C.S. Lewis said, in fact, you lock yourself in Hell from the inside because it is what you want; you want to be eternally separated from your Creator. How pathetic! You choose to eternally separate yourself from the love of God. How obsurd that would be to think you belong anywhere but Hell. A loving God would never let you near the New City and New Earth to do harm to His elect because your heart is evil and remains that way because it is what you want in rejecting your Creator for eternity. You're a bad guy!

You brought up religion here out of nowhere, which is ok for you, but not for me to respond with the truth of faith in Christ. Everyone can see your doublestandard for banning a Christian who exposes you, responding to your hostilities and your religious views. "Pure religion is undefiled before God" (James 1.27). Don't think we can't see what you are up to expressing your angst and hypocritical, pretentious doublestandards which is selfish and centers all things upon self.

I had a good chuckle when you said just rejoin your site with a new username, but I can't view your site at all, and you know that, to be able to register. What games you play. Moreover, I decided to avoid your site for life since you will never give your life to Christ. There is no reason anyone needs to sign up to your site and that they can't go elsewhere. Your site is a dime a dozen.