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View Full Version : Calvinism is Total Madness and Double Mindedness

07-17-2012, 10:33 AM
Excellent video on John F. MacArthur, Jr. (born June 19, 1939 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._MacArthur)) the heretic. The tension McLiar admits he feels is his conscience speaking but he still doesn't want to listen to it. He doesn't want to give his life to the God of the Bible who provides sufficient grace to all to have the free choice to repent and believe in Him to be regenerated. He is going to Hell.

He said there is a dilemma no matter what you do. There is no dilemma for us who are actually saved. MacArthur is projecting the tension and conflict he admits he has in his own heart unto OSAS Arminians yet truthfully, we feel no such tension at all. Jesus died for all for this is true love. How can God's standards be below our own?

Why can't God love the world to die for the world and save those who receive His love? MacArthur is dumbfounded.

MacArthur asked why are people in Hell if Jesus died for everyone? Firstly, nobody is in Hell yet. Secondly, because they refuse His atonement; they refuse to appropriate His mercy on the cross. How many more times will he ask this question and still avoid this answer many have given to him before? Is MacArthur a zombie because he sure acts like one with every breath he takes?

MacArthur is just too selfish to freely be willing to die on the cross with Christ. Instead, he pridefully assumes he was irresistibly selected and not preteritioned that he assumes others are passed over without any love or opportunity to be saved. If preterition were true MacArthur surely would be the one passed over. I would thank God that He sends MacArthur to Hell because I would feel continually ill spending eternity with him and his personality in the New City.

If you start with the assumption of irresistibly imposed regeneration then it makes sense to ask how can there be double jeopardy? But why start there by assuming a falsehood? The salvation afforded us all is accepted by whosoever is willing. Free will is mentioned over 4000 times in the Bible, but then free will is not free will? How strange. Nothing means anything it says on face value anymore in the bizarro world of Calvinism.

The god of Calvinism can't give humans free will, but God of the Bible can. God of the Bible can reconcile free will with His infinite foreknowledge but the god of Calvinism cannot. Since God of the Bible can do what the god of Calvinism cannot do, by definition God of the Bible trumps the god of Calvinism every time. Praise the Lord!

MacArthur then says nobody was died for particularly because the atonement is just general. No! Particularly, all those who receive His love He died for because they receive it. These are the ones He has chosen before the foundations of the world. The Bible speaks of both the general atonement and those who receive it particularly as His chosen ones. No conflict. No tension.

Why is this so hard for MacArthur to understand? Perhaps it is because his spirit is dead to God and he worships a false Christ and tries to worship with his flesh not with a spirit quickened with God's life. Satan has John F. MacArthur, Jr. and Paul Washer through this immensely popular teaching of Calvinism. All 5 points of Calvinism are false.

God predestinates by foreknowing our free choice: a conditional election, unlimited atonement, resistible grace, for preservation of the saints (OSAS). Amen.
