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View Full Version : New Christian needs a lot of help

Mike p
12-02-2012, 02:11 PM
Hello , I am new too this site but since finding it, I am hooked. This site has really helped me realize that I am under full attack from the evil spirit, and sadly it's the spirit that usually wins. My eyes are opening more and more to this reality and I get so furious that I let this happen. It seems like the more I read the bible or this site, my mind gets absolutely flooded with bad thoughts. And my poison is pornography and sex. The worst part is that I am aware of the situation, yet no matter how hard I try to resist I always end up giving in. This site has shown me that I have been only fooling myself, I call myself a Christian yet I hardly read the bible and I must be controlled by evil sprits most of the time. So after that being said, I am really searching for someone to help me with a bible reading program so I won't just flounder around. My biggest issue is that I have Tourette's and ADD so I have major scatter brain. It's hard to focus and maintain a consistent routine. I feel that the evil spirits exploit my condition for their gain. Thanks for reading, mike.

12-02-2012, 02:17 PM
Since you have a hard time reading the Bible that is the solution, read The Spiritual Man (http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/SMCFP.htm) (CFP white cover only (http://www.c-f-p.com/)) 5 hours a day for 60 days straight and you will regain control. It is the best book ever written on the dividing of the spirit, soul and body. It is the solution even if you don't know it yet. Your willingness to sacrifice your time and do this will produce direct results. Your unwillingness will continue to get what you have always got continuing to do what you have always done.