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View Full Version : Let us never take our eyes off of Biblical locality

11-09-2005, 03:32 AM
Biblocality Forums is just a forum. No frills. And the basic function is for people to study the Word and when they receive revelation in their spirit as they study and pray, let it be expressed for discussion to bring forth new words of revelation and pinpoint with additional clarity existing words of God.

And mabye, just mabye, one day there will be 12 of us together who agree on building the Meeting Place Finder for the Body of Christ with its commensurate questionnaire for informal apostles, and allow apostles to be apostles to appoint elders to take care of a whole locality, and not just a congregation or a demonination of churches across localities.

To me this is so powerful. I love it.

Our eyes are the lamp of our body (Luke 11.34) to let light into our soul. Let us make sure that the light we think we have is not really darkness (v.35). If we are filled with light, and there is no dark corners our lives will be radient as though a floodlight is shinning on us (v.36). Let us put this light of truth regarding Scriptural localities on a lampstand to give light to all who enter the room (v.33). And it will come to be one day as it was in the first century.