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View Full Version : The Giants are Returning

12-20-2012, 05:40 PM
Here's something interesting. As it was in Noah's day so it will be at the end of this age when the Tribulation occurs and Jesus returns. What marks that time before the flood? There was a remnant of giants, not completely killed off yet,which were the product of fallen angels having sex with women or at least altering genetic code somehow. Today the same thing is happening for the first time ever. People are locating bodies from that time a few thousand years ago, taking their cells with their genetic code and injecting them a woman's egg. They are trying to isolate the markers in the genetic code that correspond to what they believe would be the giants of old that were born from angels or the influence of those angels upon the human genome.

From a scientific standpoint and a Biblical standpoint this makes sense. No wonder why Jesus must return soon to stop this from getting out of hand.