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View Full Version : Irresistibly Imposed Regeneration

01-18-2013, 12:45 PM
Re: WuAgent @ Youtube

you have yet to interact with the argument dealing with any of the verses i presented. God's inspired word upholds the calvinist doctrine and you havent even attempted to refute anything i've given you from scripture. just more about how im lost and going to hell. well, the word of God disagrees with you and i think i'll take the \word of My Creator over yours or anyone elses.

saying i use my will power to be elected by God for salvation makes absolutely no sense. my will cannot oppose the all powerful and truly free will of God when he chooses to change my heart.

you're right in saying that im a helpless sinner. EVERYONE is. romans 8:6-8 tells us just how helpless we are. notice in this passage it does not say those controlled by the sinful nature will not please God but it says they CANNOT please God. without God's drawing you CANNOT come to the cross. the grace and faith that leads to salvation does not come from us and our efforts, it is a gift from God(eph. 2:8-9) that draws me to him by HIS power.

i challenge you to refute the calvinist doctrine scripturally and not philosophically.
You have yet to show any of those verses agree with you. You are going to Hell for the simple reason you admit you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. You admit for eternity you reject God of the Bible who provides sufficient grace to all to have the free choice. Your god can't do this. Your god sucks. God trumps your god every time, for your god can't do what God can do.

You use your will power to assert you were irresistibly selected and refuse to repent to the cross as a helpless sinner to be regenerated. You will go to Hell.

Nowhere does the Bible say when God implores and pleads with you to believe in Him that He is some sadistic bastard making you unable to respond to the gospel unless irresistibly made to. That's sick. You're sick. You are under Satan's spell and counterfeit salvation - a facsimile.

God has drawn everyone, but sadly many such as yourself draw back unto perdition (Heb. 10.39). This gift of God drawing us is given to everyone, but sadly you refuse His saving grace.

I challenge you to refute these Scriptural facts.