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View Full Version : My Letter to Michio Kaku - What Don't You Understand Michio

07-23-2013, 10:20 PM

I watched your video interview here,

Are you aware according to the Bible Michio that you are going to Hell, because Jesus said He is God and proved it, yet you refuse to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior?

The argument you gave was you don't accept the God who smited the Philistines, so in fact, what you are doing Michio is supporting child sacrifices which is evil even if you are doing it unknowingly through ignorance by blaming God for smiting the Philistines. Don't you ask why God smites rather than not? Or is your hostility to God so great that you shut your mind down at that point assuming you won your argument without thinking past two steps of your own thinking?

It's like Oprah Winfrey who also rejects God of the Bible because she said she could never accept a jealous God. Yet God is jealous like a mother for her own children for their attention and love. That is the meaning behind a jealous God who loves His own.

Your other issue is why are their poor and rich nations? You said because of science not the Koran. Actually the Koran is why Muslim countries are quite poor in terms of GDP to the rest of the world, because the Koran is immoral. Six centuries later it claimed Jesus never even went to the cross with no evidence whatsoever to support that claim. An immoral life leads to poverty or at the very least falling far below one's potential. If you don't work, you don't eat.

But having a conscience in Christ by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the truth that shall set you free, frees you of bondage under false religion as well as the religion of being antichrist. Michio Kaku is antichrist. Science would not exist without God. God gives science. To forsake science would be to forsake God's good pleasure. But the Bible also speaks about a science so falsely called. This would be false science or misused science like we see in the case of false blind studies supporting a corporation's drug they are trying to get market.

Another false type of science is to prepare for aliens which is absurd since there are no aliens. They don't exist. Over 800 variables are required for life to exist on another planet. There are no enough planets in the universe for that to be possible. Unless your appreciate this is the one and only inhabited planet, you will be less careful with it. It is impossible for humans to travel to another solar system. It would take thousands of years. Again, another vain effort by mankind wasting valuable resources based on false precepts not of God.

Michio then explains why Nazis or Russians aren't running the world today. It's because they were defeated, he says. Yes, that is true, but that is not the ultimate reason. The ultimate reason is God's mercy and grace to overcome the vile nature of evil regimes. God's righteousness wins the day through the Allied countries. Not giving honor to the One True God puts Michio in a very precarious position while speaking accolades of human progress, he forgets the Enabler of progress. Pretentious to say the least!

Michio's main point at the end of the day is nature creates laws of physics so we should honor nature not God. But he fails to ask the question what caused nature? Obviously, it doesn't happen all by itself nor did it always exist. Again, it needs the Enabler God of the Bible. Without giving honor, respect and worship where it is due, you are self-exalting yourself and warping some reality; however subtle you may be doing so, self is always at the center.

I am here to help you Michio, but you have to reach out half way to me. God does not force his love on anyone. I know you are busy in speaking engagements, but that's just your self-righteous flesh hard at work, remaining unsaved, bound for perdition. How about getting saved first then going on a speaking engagement and letting the Holy Spirit guide your life instead of your selfish will. Every issue you have with God of the Bible, I can show you the truth of your mistaken assumptions.