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View Full Version : Body Consciouness

02-06-2006, 02:54 AM
One of the greatest, precious and important thing is the consciousness of the body of Christ. The Life of the Body of Christ is Christ Himself mediated in the members by His Spirit. Given that one of the principles of growth is in increasing in consciousness of Body Life we hence grow faster when in fellowship with brethren who are in touch with Christ. We are like those who polish each other every moment when we fellowship and thus maintaining freshness of spirit. We keep each other fresh. If you are born again there are two things which will happen if you keep the river flowing.

One is that those who do not know Christ will see an obvious impression of His reality in us, which oozes out even without words and if you are led to speak it makes it more fuller and clearer. Hence under such condition people will just give in to the Living Lord in us. There is a wall of reality in us that no one can go against. Even if they reason or do whatever they want against it, they cannot quench it. It is a kicking against the goads. That is true testimony. No wonder the great command connected to sure victory is that of Stand! Stand! Do not be moved.

The second thing is that we increase in measure of Christ which issue forth in glory to glory. Let's polish each other up.