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View Full Version : A Fan of James White is Shown Why He is Going to Hell

12-10-2013, 01:14 PM
Re: onetruthonelife,
Defending on his Google+ Page James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries, see link here...

When I repented and came to Christ, I had no idea what Calvinism or Arminianism even was. I simply accepted the truth that I was a guilty sinner in need of saving to be right with God, which is a fatal flaw in your argument that all Monergists are heretics. If you are trying to add your ideology as a stipulation for repentance, then you are being legalistic and one of those that Paul warned us about in Galatians 1:8-9. This is not a question of salvation. Salvation is a free gift for anyone who would choose it. The problem is would we choose it without the drawing of God? Scripture is clear that we would not. If God just left us to choose for ourselves, no one would come for we are dead in our trespasses in sin and unable to seek God (Ephesians 2, Romans 3). Can a dead man seek God? Your Hitler analogy (I'm sorry) is so pathetic, it is sad. That is probably the biggest straw man that you have presented so far. God is not sending "innocent" people to the gas chamber. He is sending rebel sinners who hate God and would rather suffer in hell for eternity then be with Him. This is the condition of man according to scripture. Man is not neutral when he/she is born choosing to do good or evil (The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.-Psalm 58:3) You say that the reformed are adding "irresistible" to justification by faith. Well, I can make the same argument about your analogy. I can say that you are implying "justification by faith by choice." This does nothing for either argument. All that you have done to try to convince me is use scare tactics, you have rarely used scripture. You have used words like "free will", concepts that are completely foreign from scripture. I challenge you to find me one verse in the bible that says or implies that man has a free will.
You've been defending the idea you were irresistibly made to repent which is Calvinism which shows you are not a Christian. You simply refuse to accept the truth. That's why you mindlessly agree with the Calvinist James White and Spurgeon and Edwards and other false Christians. Monergists are not Christians since the Bible says man's cooperation in receiving the gospel is important and the robots of Monergism say it is not. You've violated what Paul said in Gal. 1.8-9 creating a legalism called total depravity. You preach another gospel not of Christ. Indeed, this is a question of salvation to freely, synergistically, cooperatively, receive what Jesus did for us; that's why He died on the cross for the sins of the whole world. "God is the Savior of all men, specially those who believe" (1 Tim. 4.10). Savior of all men because He died on the cross for every last human being who ever lived to save them whosoever is willing, that is, specially those who believe. God draws everyone but sadly many such as yourself "draw back unto perdition" (Heb. 10.39) so that you never come to the true eternal cross of Christ.

The difference between your god and God of the Bible is God provides sufficient grace to all, draws everyone, to have the free choice to receive the gift of repentance and faith whosoever is wiling to search God out with all their hearts and souls. Your god can't do this so God trumps your sickly god every time. God draws everyone; your god doesn't even draw anyone, for he must irresistibly select some and pass over others like robots. What love is that? The Scriptures are clear, God provides sufficient grace to all to have the free choice; ergo, James White, you and all those monergists, Calvinists are going to Hell. Man is dead in his trespasses, which does not mean he is totally depraved. Your misunderstanding of spiritually dead is your legalism. Spiritually dead means lost communication with God, not totally depraved. God has supplied man with more than enough grace to respond even though he is dead. Again, your god sucks, since he can't do that. Man is still made in God's image and has received more than sufficient grace to receive God's drawing. Reread Eph. 2 and Rom. 3 in that light. You ask if a dead man can seek God? Can a dead man reject God? Let go of your legalism which is your idol of total depravity. It is not in the Bible without you inserting into the text that which is not explicitly stated.

The Hitler analogy is perfect for you because Hitler like you claims there is a group of people irresistibly born and selected for salvation and others preteritioned or passed over, given no grace to have any opportunity for salvation. That's Satanic! If it is evil for you to behave this way towards your fellow man in need how can God act like that? Why would you try to make God stoop to your level? God's standards are the highest! God would be sending innocent people to the gas chambers for no other reason than they were born into sin (not because they freely refused the cross with sufficient grace since in your paradigm it is not possible for your god doesn't and can't do that) -- that's what you are saying and that's why you are disgusting to me. Man is not guilty for being born into sin, but you say he is. Is man responsible for being birthing himself? How absurd! Man is responsible though if then having received sufficient grace rejects God. But how can a man who has not received sufficient grace accept God? Do you see how evil you are? Ps. 58.3 doesn't say anything about total depravity, so why insert into the text? It says people are sinners even as soon as they are born (as all men are born into sin and separated from God), not that they are guilty for being born or guilty for being born into sin, but guilty for rejecting God's solution which would be by the age of accountability and received sufficient grace to respond. But you say they are guilty without any grace given. That's evil! You are evil! That's Hitler's model. Without Calvinism Hitler could not have achieved what he did because people wouldn't buy into it as many people buy into the lie of Calvinism -- certainly not a "little flock" (Luke 12.32). Many books and writings Hitler consulted taught Calvinism. Calvinism today is setting itself up for the 4th Reich. You are very bad people!

You are offended by justification by faith by choice. It is the free choice given to anyone to search God out with all their heart and soul, and God promises that they shall then find Him. He will turn none away who do this. They receive the gift of repentance and faith and are justified. They are justified by faith a faith given to them by the sincere earnest searching for the truth that the gift then is bestowed. We are justified by faith given by God. You should not be offended by choice for the Bible speaks of freewill over 4000 times. God pleads with you and implores you to believe in Him, thus, placing the responsibility of the free choice on you. That would be quite sadistic if God did so then you were totally depraved unable to without sufficient grace to have the choice. Do you see how psychotic you are? I appreciate that you are not scared by this fact which is why Hell is the perfect domain for you to dwell in for eternity so as to be eternally separated from God's children, the love of God and God Himself at the center of the New City and New Earth. I am grateful to God that He keeps people like you away from us forever! Thank you Jesus! God would never let you near our presence in eternity future. The Bible uses the term "freewill" specifically and in many different contexts. Shutting your mind down to this does not make it go away. God gave the free choice not only to Adam and Eve to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but to Cain and Abel to give a proper offering. Never in these passages do we read Abel was regenerated causing him to give a proper offering. The offering was offered to both to give; you of your own strength give your false offering as Cain did by works: "persevering" (5th point of Calvinism). Whereas Christians believe we are "being preserved." Use any Bible search engine and count the number of times the term "freewill" comes up. Don't be lazy. It takes a couple mouse clicks. I can't even believe you asked me that if free will is in the Bible to show how ignorant you are? You are demonically possessed by the evil spirit of Calvinism. You're going to Hell. It is easy to see. James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries will join you there shortly. Think how insane you are for every time the Bible uses the term "freewill" you say it means something else. You're evil, through and through, but not totally depraved since nobody is totally depraved, not even you.

The Bible says there are some people we should not pray to or for. I believe you are one of those people. Even so, even this sin of yours, you have not committed the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That is only possible if you remain in your stance and still reject the Holy Spirit while and if Jesus is literally in person on earth. In other words, there is still a chance like a few before who were Calvinists for decades that ended up giving their life to Christ finally and became OSAS Arminians. What wonderful grace and mercy of God that He still keeps the door of salvation open for you, if only you were willing to walk in. However, once you leave your body of flesh and blood, you will never change your mind, and only Hell can contain you at that point.